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The World Trip

Day #25 (10-Apr-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 11 April 2007 | Views [623] | Comments [1]

Day #25


(See day #21 for Breakfast description ;)


We check-out and then get a taxi to L Da Vinci Airport. We got to the Aiport at about 9:00am but our plane is not until 11:55am. I have learnt my lesson after Gatwick and we get here as early as we can. It takes us an hour to get from the entrance of the airport to our gate lounge. The lounge has internet wire internet (which is good) but not power supply (which i s bad - luckily my laptop is charged) so Amy and I hotseat on internet surfing.


Eventually we get on the plane and head to London. Oh no! not another baggage problem! This time neither Amy nor my luggage come out. We wait for ages then finallhy we go to the service desk (after doing the round of the carousel to check for stuck/misplaced baggage). The desk tells us that the staff forgot to unpack some luggage off the plane (he implies that they started packing other luggage on before they worked this out) and to wait for longer.

Eventually Amy took our tickets and went back to the desk. She discovered that they had put our luggage in a "secure" holding area for the flight to Seattle, because it was a connecting flight (even though it was not until the next day). Whether it was because we were tired or jetlagged or culture-shocked or any combination we decided not to argue this point and just left the airport.

We then got a taxi to our hotel. Amy was hungry, and she thought it was 5:50pm (she accidently set her watch an hour forward instead of backward during the flight - it was actually 3:50pm), so we went for something to eat.


We went down to a pub called the "White Horse" pub (The English hava facination with pubs named after coloured animals). There we get some great conversation from some of the locals. One of them even bought me a beer. Eventually we leave there because they are not serving food, and find a hotel restaurant, where I have a (giant) meat pie, and Amy has egg and baked beans on toast.


After dinner, we returned to the hotel where I typed this, watched something about the Roswell Incident, and Amy slept.

Tags: Adventures



Hi Sean,

It is now the 18th April ......you have been very quiet ie now further updates.

Is all well over there or just having a good time?

Did you eventually get hold of your luggage?

Love Mum

  Veronica Murphy Apr 18, 2007 8:58 AM

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