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Peps and Pete Travels "On pleasure bent again"


PERU | Saturday, 10 March 2007 | Views [1329]

Upon our arrival in Cusco´s airport we were serenaded by a local band while we waited to claim our baggage. What a great introduction to this fantastic place, a place that has to rate among my favourite cities in the world.

Flying in over the Andes should have given us an idea of the spectacle that awaited us, but I think that nothing could have 'prepared up for the majestic place that is Cusco. Qosqo, the Qwecha spelling, is reminisceçient of an old european city, much of whih dates from the Spanish colonial period. But once you start to explore the streets you are faced with many Inca walls and remains. The neighbourhood of San Blas is an Inca neighbourhood. We fell in love with this place from the first strains of Pan Pipes at the airport, and the streets have only served to cement our appreciation. What we really love about the place is how the Plaza de Armas (The biggest plaza)  is such a focus of life. The main square is always bustling, full of shoe shine kids, old andean ladies selling their wares, pick pockets, locals just catching up and the inevitable tourists. We have seen two massive rallies/protests/celebrations - not sure which exactly- around the square, and the only time that it is empty is when the rain comes.

It took us about 2 days to acclimatise, at 3400m above sea level, every time we climbed stairs it felt like our chests were going to explode. The worst case was when we went on a tour to some ruins just out of town, and my chest was burning, and I went pale and shaky, I thought that I was going to be sick. But with copious amounts of Cocoa Mate (Infusion made with cocoa leaves) I finally managed to acclimatise. We have spent most of our time walking around the town and chilling in cafes. You can get a 3 course menu here for 10 Soles which is about $3, so we have been living it up, and enjoying ourselves. And really, when you are in such a beautiful place, why not live it up and enjoy it!

Tags: Culture



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