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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 5 photos

A camera in my hands, my eye on the view finder and suddenly i see a different world.
A world that not only i can see, but also share with the people around me, the way i see it.
I think a camera empowers me to express the things which the words cannot.

When i was very young i always used to be the family photographer. In fact even today
people have to remind me to get to the other side of the lens once in a while.

I did not used to think of photography as a real prospect for me till a couple of years
back, when a friend asked me to take some photos of him and i was more than happy to help
him. The result being him getting decent shots and finding my life's calling. Since then
i have learned to 'actually observe' without letting myself getting in between the scene
and the camera.

This opportunity by 'World nomads' to work with National Geographic photographer Jason
Edwards has come at the precise moment in my life when i am trying to shed the tag of
amateur and adopting a new one - 'Professional Photographer'.
I would like to thank world nomads for bringing that opportunity to me.

Parth Sharma

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