I hate goodbyes
CANADA | Saturday, 14 June 2008 | Views [483] | Comments [1]
Okay so it{s been awhile since i have written on this thing. Just not enough time really. Well been hanging out with the volunteers from ISV. Each group of volunteers last about 2 weeks so I have been working along side two groups. We began a new trail at Kekoldi working our asses off. Days were long and boy we stank sooooo bad. It reminded me alot of Belize however alot more sweat (Belize alot more dirt). With the second group we finished the trail creating over 1300 M of trail. The trail isn{t technically finished yet. Bridges need to be built to go over the ravines and trees (My ass and legs already feel tired just thinking about this trail). Anyways both groups were full of great people, majority of them mainly from the States and Canada (just a few really). HOwever the second group consisted of ALL females. >It was fortunate that what happened with the other group didn{t happen this time (all the girls got their period all at the same time..freaky). Anyways what else happened. I did loads of shopping cause i didn{t think i will be returning to Puerto Viejo after my trip up to San jose. I also bought gifts for the family that was taking care of me and well were my family (Bribri family that is). I didn{t know how i would feel at all about my leaving. Wasn{t sure if I would cry or if I would be content and whatnot. So what happened? I gave Weymer and his Aunt Shirley their gifts and was perfectly fine. Then i went to the kitchen to hand Sebastian his gift and did not at all speak i bawled my eyes out. The tears kept pouring. I sounded like a hurt dog. It was bad. really bad. he smiled and hugged me and said some words. I could not stop. Then I went to Maritza and yes con{t to bawl my eyes out. I was okay after that. Everyone was happy with their gifts and all the other volunteers were busy with packing and talking to the rest of the family. Then Dona Ana comes...I had also got her a gift. Upon seeing her I broke into another fit of cries. I didn{t say anything. Just cried. She told me how she wants me to visit again along with my own family (doubt my mother or brother woudl want to hike that hill). But that she was glad to have met me and to keep in touch etc... She also had a few presents for me which I happily put on. We then all went crazy with taking bunches of pictures. I had originally planned today to upload all or most of my pics on to here and face book but que pasa? I completely forgot the damn usb cord. It{s at the hotel. Ugh. Oh well maybe tomorrow or sometime this week. I have started to plan out my trip for the next few weeks. I planon heading back to teh carib. sea and snorkle in Cahuita (sooooo much better then PV) and then head to Panama towards Bocas del Toro, Panama City, David, Osa penninsula (P. Jimenez), Boruca (to visit the indigenous people there that are reknowned for their masks - I[m hoping to get a homestay..hoping cause their is nothing there really). Then up north to Puntearenas, then off to the white sand beaches of MOntezuma and perhaps Mal pais (surfers yum!) and then over to do the MOnteverde/Santa Elena/ La fortuna thing (many of you guys have seen julia{s pics..that{s the place. I then Plan on taking a tica bus up towards Nicaragua and if i have time HOnduras but i don{t think there{s that much to do there. Prefer to spend my time in Panama. I cannot wait!! <Oh donavan, seems electronics are cheap there! OHH one thing i haven{t mentioned is my pack. It seems where ever I go people laugh at me. Yes laugh at me. Cause it seems my pack is too big for me. I put the thing on and everyone burst out in laughter then concern. HOw the hell do i carry this thing down. Well i did and made it. Went really slow. I had bought a painting so that took up quite amount of space.. i know i shoudl have got it Last but it{s soo pretty and now i have no idea how the condition of the drawing is. since i was sweating on it. and it has sand on it. Anyways i do not think i can buy anything else cause i cannot carry it.. there is no way really i can do it. my pack is prob 40 pounds now. I got rid of some clothes but i think i need to get rid of pretty much all of it. I might mail some of the stuff home..not sure how much it{ll cost but i{ll look into it in San JOse. Or perhaps hopefully a long term storage at a hostel. Anyways i need to get ready for tonight. Heading to Miraflores for another night of dancing and fun. Did i mention got taught how to salsa and some other dance that starts with an M...eh K K (Bri bri for bye)
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