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The Nomad's Survival Kit This kit tells you how to survive, reviews cool gear and is an adventure filled ride.

A Bag Snatch and Sleepless Nights in Nice

FRANCE | Tuesday, 7 Jan 2014 | Views [6177]

It was a sweltering August in the south of France and I had nowhere to sleep. I had just taken the train from Paris down to Nice with the intention of soaking up some rays on the coast of the sparkling Mediterranean. When I got off the train, however, ... Read more >

Tags: france, nice, robbery, staying safe on the road, travel safety

Surviving the UK on a Budget

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 4 Jul 2012 | Views [4163] | Comments [1]

In his latest guest post, Colm Hanratty of Hostelworld.com gives us tips on how to save money when travelling around the UK. Afternoon tea, premiership football, fish and chips and pints of ‘bitter’ – these are just some ... Read more >

Tags: budget, hostels, london, tours, travel, uk, united kingdom

Photos: The Nomad's Survival Kit

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

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The Drugs Are Out: Surviving The Netherlands (Without Getting High)

NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Views [5182] | Comments [2]

Much of the recent talk surrounding Dutch tourism, both inside and outside the Netherlands, has revolved around the issue of drug legislation. Whether you’re for or against, the inevitable fact is that, from the start of 2013, tighter legislation ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, coffee shops, drugs, holland, netherlands, travel

Hotel vs Hostel

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 22 Feb 2012 | Views [4843]

If you’ve ever travelled internationally there’s a very good chance that you’ve had the pleasure or displeasure of staying in a Hostel. There are many awesome features that come with Hostels – they’re cheap and they’re also fantastic places to meet ... Read more >

Tags: europe, hostel, hotel, travel, travel tips

Dubai's Arabian Romance: Accessible, but at a price

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Monday, 13 Feb 2012 | Views [5226]

Dubai is so elaborate and luxurious, it's easy to forget where in the world you really are. When you’re a free-spirited nomadic couple of first world origins, unfortunately you have to control your impulses in certain countries.... Read more >

Tags: beaches, drinking, dubai, romance, travel, uae

A World Festival Survival Guide

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 3 Feb 2012 | Views [2571]

Music is an international language, a tool that can only be used for good in the breaking of boundaries between people. From enjoying some Bob Marley in an Amsterdam coffee shop with a Jamaican, to the international beer-drinking language of Polka, ... Read more >

Tags: festivals, germany, music, travel, uk

How to Prepare for (and Survive) a Cross-Canada Trip

CANADA | Friday, 3 Feb 2012 | Views [3944]

It started out as an idea, and grew to obsession.  Early last year, a friend and I were trying to figure out a way to make it to TBEX 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Flying across the country is hardly an option at times, with flights costing ... Read more >

Tags: canada, train, travel

How I Survived the AMTRAK Train

USA | Thursday, 10 Nov 2011 | Views [5806] | Comments [3]

This year I travelled across America on the AMTRAK. Beautiful sleeper cabins, a dining cart with cocktails and white linen table clothes and service that would put top restaurants to shame. I thought this would be a beautiful way to see the country.... Read more >

Tags: amtrak, chicago, san fran, transport, usa

7 Tips for Surviving the Night Bus

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 21 Oct 2011 | Views [5093]

All budget travelers eventually have to learn to love the night bus. It's not the quickest or most comfortable mode of transportation, but often it's the most sensible. Buses are a lot cheaper than flying and roads go many places that planes and ... Read more >

Tags: safety, transportation, travel

10 Reasons for Independent Travellers to Join a Guided Tour

WORLDWIDE | Monday, 15 Aug 2011 | Views [4430]

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Tags: adventure, biking, group tours, hiking, idea, independent travel, itinerary, travel

The First Timer's Nepal

NEPAL | Thursday, 4 Aug 2011 | Views [4821] | Comments [1]

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Tags: asia, culture, etiquette, food, health, nepal, travel, travel tips

Avoiding Travel Burnout: Hitting the Brakes on the Road

USA | Thursday, 28 Jul 2011 | Views [2366] | Comments [2]

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Tags: burnout, ideas, inspiration, itineraries, relationships, slow travel, solo travel, travel, usa

Spain Travel 101

SPAIN | Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011 | Views [3584] | Comments [9]

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Tags: adventures, driving, europe, language, laws, local, safety, spain, travel, travel tips

Surviving Airport Delays

WORLDWIDE | Monday, 4 Jul 2011 | Views [3136] | Comments [2]

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Tags: accommodation, air travel, airports, entertainment, flight delays, food, hotels, travel, travel tips

On the Rails in India - Navigating Train Travel

INDIA | Friday, 27 May 2011 | Views [11688] | Comments [4]

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Tags: asia, dress, food, india, trains, transport, travel, travel tips

Malaysia Travel 101

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 28 Apr 2011 | Views [5013]

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Tags: asia, diversity, food, homestay, kuala lumpur, malaysia, religion, southeast asia, transportation, travel

Backpacking Tips for Couples - Going the Distance, on the Road and in your Relationship

WORLDWIDE | Thursday, 3 Mar 2011 | Views [12988] | Comments [1]

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Tags: backpacking, camping, couples, experiences, food, macchu picchu, peru, relationships, tips, travel

Solo and Safe: How to be a Solo Traveler

WORLDWIDE | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [3033] | Comments [2]

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Tags: risks, safety, solo travel, threats, travel

Bhutan Travel 101

BHUTAN | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Views [3382]

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Tags: asia, bhutan, bhutan travel tips, flights to bhutan, visas for bhutan

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