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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "scuba".

Location 24, 25, 26, 27: Singapore; Puerto Galera, Manila & Cebu, Philippines

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 15 Jun 2016 | Views [614]

Singapore; Puerto Galera, Manila & Cebu - Philippines Once I left Indonesia, after close to a month of visiting,  it was nice to spend a few days in Singapore.  Singapore lives up to its reputation of being a very clean and manicured ... Read more >

Tags: philippines, scuba, singapore, whale sharks

Location 7,8: Koh Tao & Koh Samui, Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 21 Apr 2016 | Views [456]

Koh Tao & Koh Samui- Thailand In January I was certified for open water scuba diving and after hearing from multiple people I knew I needed to make my way to Koh Tao.  Koh Tao (located in the Gulf of Thailand) is known for its diving ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, scuba, thailand

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