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16th Dec: Au revoir Paris Ville Lumiere!

FRANCE | Sunday, 16 December 2007 | Views [809]

jessye and me

jessye and me

we just had our final day of this course! We went out after the presentations, and we had dinner at this really cheap place - exchanged kriss kringle - i had ana, very badly kept secret, oh well at least i hope she got the chocolate she wanted! Duncan had me... i got a box of chocolates... ate them all. Very cheap food at the restaurant. I got dressed up - most people did - wore my silver dress, va va voom!

Then we went on le Bateau Mouche which just rode up and down the Seine for a bit, showing us these sites at night. Walking to the dock of the Bateau we walked over the tunnel in which Princess Diana died - there is heaps of graffitti, i took plenty of photos.

Saw the Tour Eiffel lighted up at night - quite spectacular (THEME! THEME ! ha ha) - and other pretty things, like the entire length of the Louvre, Musée D'Orsay etc - it seems like so many of the things we studied have been along the banks of the Seine.

Eventually went inside - it was soooo freezing on the top - had good convos with Ana, Wayne, Katheryne, Gemma later on, Mel, Adhiti... yeah various people.

Going to miss everyone a bit. Think Wayne is an excellent person. Going to miss Sylvia and her cute little ways. She only found out tonight i'm greek - there you go - although she thinks i have a "greek tragedy" flair to me... hmmmm, wonder what that means? I inquired - apparently it doesn't mean i overexagerate...

So yeah i'm in my room now. Everything is packed up. I took a couple of vids of the Eiffel Tour glittering. Going to miss CIEP, but going to have sooooo much fun with ana this week! So simultaneously pumped and slightly sad.

bye everyone! bons voyages, et a plus!


Tags: On the Road



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