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Day One: Sèvres

FRANCE | Monday, 26 November 2007 | Views [668] | Comments [2]

At the moment, Ana and I are in her room, trying to get the net working. My net is. Hers isn't. Confusing!

The last plane ride was HIDEOUS. Absolutely hideous. I will add more about how terrible it was later. Suffice it to say that mum, i have a landline. I'm not going to post it here, but you CAN call me directly via a certain nunber. If you get one of those international calling phone cards like yiayia and papou get, then it would be cheap. At the moment it's almost midday here - i know it's late where you are... i am usually in the hotel between 6.30am and 8.30am each day, also will be home at night times... if you wanted to talk, i'm sure we can arrange a time - i'll msg you when i'm home for about 30 mins.

Shall write more tonight.


(PS: I AM IN PARIS!!!! as bess would say: "ohh em gee")

Later: (1.22pm Paris time)

Just got back from lunch - an's laptop still not working. It was a very healthy meal (salad, pasta, chicken, mandarin as desert)- in revenge for their healthiness, i stole a few sugar cubes and am eating them as i type. yum!

The 13hr flight was quite bad - i had a real arsehole middle-aged, pot-bellied, balding asian man sit in front of me for both the 8 hr flight and the 13 hr flight.. as soon as he gets in his seat he pushes the chair back as far as it will go, disregarding everyone else. The only time he puts his chair up is when the stewardesses directly picked on him and told him to put it up - after having ignored several warnings - for meal time. Then in the middle of my meal, because he is finished, he pushed it back again! I told him off for this. He then decided to "stretch" his back by reaching behind his chair to grab my computer screen and move it in odd directions. Arsehole.

13 hours is FAR too long for a flight. After 5 hours it felt like i had been on the plane for 8, especially when the in-flight entertainment is exactly the same (and with only 10 movies to choose from, i was starved of choice). I felt a little sick there for a while, and found it almost impossible to sleep - my approx 3 hours in total was thanks to the travel sickness tablets mum gave me. I also have a new-found appreciation for those silky pieces of material you put over your eyes when sleeping on the plane. Wow. the best invention ever. and to think i dismissed them for years!

I am now at Sevres (in case you didn't notice). Madame de Pompadour built this place - which is like a castle, five different staircases each services different levels, and one "imaginary" level that is neither the 2nd or 3rd... grand dining rooms and ball rooms with chandeliers, absolutely gorgeous. Anyway, she built it near the castle of King Louis 15th so that he would still be attracted to her in her old age (she was his mistress for over 20 years!). Marie Antoinnette also stayed her at some point or the other. My room is 411 (the fourth and top floor). It's pretty small - small wardrobe, angled ceiling, single bed, desk, and a bathroom which is about the same size as our cupboard under the stairs. The shower consists of the entire bathroom - and the toilet and basin are inside that 'shower' section... tres bizarre.

Speaking in english to everyone over the past couple of hours i've had the chance to forget that i am in a foreign city. My room overlooks a primary school - seeing little kids running around in parkas speaking french fluently is quite a novelty (and yes, they are so close i can hear them speak!). And mum, even though the weather says that today is 6 degrees, it's actually quite lovely. The sun is shining, it's not very cold at all, and it's a really picturesque place to be.

Going on our first excursion out of this castle in 15 minutes!

On a more sad note (although it's not really how i'm feeling... at the moment i'm still excited about my room and this beautiful city, the novelty of everything being in french... my dream finally fulfilled of going to paris after all of these years) part of me wants to be greedy and either have those i care about with me now to hug and cuddle, or to be home with them. Make sure to keep in touch - all of you!

Ps: comments are appreciated.xx

Tags: Airports



Ah Nic. How many artists have gazed (rehetorical question) out over the rooftops of Paris? Lucky you. I like your room/window shot. Take a few in the daylight, D.

  Dad Nov 27, 2007 9:53 AM


Hi Nic, what fun to read all your happenings. Gus is settled in Germany and when we tried to ring him he was asleep - 8pm - this is unusual for him but not in these circumstances. I look forward to more soom. will fill you in on some of his stuff too. He goes to Munich for the day on Friday. I realised 1/4 of our family is travelling. Lucky kids!!
Love, Aunty J

  aunty J Nov 27, 2007 11:09 AM



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