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Nicola and Liams Adventure

Day 89 & 90

THAILAND | Sunday, 16 December 2012 | Views [139]

Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th

I'm writing these days on the 26th December....WHOOPS! Fell a little bit behind so it's not going to have much going for it. In fact I've asked Liam to do it so bye!

Had a good lie in this morning due to requiring the rest from scuba diving. We didn't wake up too late though, managing to enjoy a nice long breakfast, eating the best muesli we've had since being away and having some of the best coffee and tea we've had since being away. we ended up staying for around an hour and a half, lounging around the breakfast area and catching up with various things on our iPads. The next couple of days were planned to be rest days, so when asking ourselves what we were planning to do we didn't really have an idea. We were supposed to be sunning it up again on the beech, however it was chucking it down with juicy thick warm rain, probably part of the reason why we stayed so long in bed and in breakfast as we could hear it outside.

When we did manage to get off our bums and outside, we wandered over to the beach area looking for a place to relax, read a book and enjoy the sound of the ocean. The rain was on and off for most of the day. we found a nice beach front restaurant, of which there are many, and enjoyed the afternoon drinking chocolate milkshake and snacking on various Thai foods whilst rain patted over our bamboo hut. by the time we had finished it was gone 4pm, but it was lovely to just sit and have some R and R. Travelling really is tiresome, regardless of the fact that you're in all of these cool places and according to everyone else whose not travelling 'you're just dossing around'. Okay so today we did doss around, but it's one of the first we've had and its like a weekend day off for anyone else at home.

We got back to the hotel and got changed for food before eventually leaving to find the grub around 6pm. We settled in a small, almost like a library style restaurant, both of us eating a chicken burger and drinking more fruit shakes.

We returned to the hotel around eight and started to settle in for the night, watching some tv and talking to friends on the iPads. I had planned to go out and watch the football around ten, which I did, returning to the beach and heading to a place I knew had the Liverpool game on, enjoying a beer whilst i watched it. I ended up leaving and heading back to the hotel at half time due to tiredness. Once back at the hotel, Nicola was still awake so we settled down to sleep at the same time.

The next day followed a similar routine, lie in and up late, breakfast and coffee/tea which also included playing with Stella, the hotel owners adorable little girl. It was slightly sunnier today but still an air of rain and overcastness. we left the hotel around eleven and again headed to the beach. once there, we found a nice area to sit and relax in for an hour before we headed to the same restaurant as the day before for some of their delicious chocolate milkshake. We retreated to our hut and relaxed for another hour until it started to chuck it down. At this point we met a lovely lady and her baby from Norway who were there for a Christmas holiday. She asked if she could share our hut for a while until the rain stopped.

We chatted with her for a while, talking about diving and places to dive around the world as she was also an experienced diver. The usual chit chat also occurred. Once the rain stopped we headed onto the sand in front of the restaurant, Nicola basking in the sun and myself playing like a small child in the sea, swimming with fishes. after a couple of hours, we headed to 7 eleven to buy Nicola an ice cream she won in a bet with me about where a certain restaurant was, and to stock up on some snacks for our long travel day to malyasia tomorrow.

After visiting the shop we headed back to the hotel, got showered and ready for food as well as packed our bags. once out for food we visited the lovely restaurant we went to on the first night here and ate some delicious Thai food. We had a few drinks as well to celebrate our last night on the island before turning in early for the night ready to get up early the next day.



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