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Things I photograph Nature sourrounds us but do we see it. With my son's help I do.

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 5 photos

Growing up in country NSW, with not much to do or be, I had an over whelming desire to escape and experience the world and I still do. Photography has always interested me but did not have the means until recently to follow it.
Capturing chance encounters in different environments and sharing them truly excites me. Photography is the perfect creative outlet for me to perform this task as my IT skills are not that exciting for others and I cannot draw (sigh). The scholarship has reignited my dream of travelling the world to capture the sights, colours and people via photos.
The most important skills I would love to learn and improve on with this assignment are; to take my photos from good to great and how to convey the story of what has been photographed. I see possible photos everywhere and it frustrates me as I lack the knowledge and understanding on how to translate what I see to the captured image. I know my willingness to learn, Jason’s mentoring and the experience of the scholarship will provide me with fantastic opportunities to further my knowledge which will reduce this frustration.
Inspiring my 11 year old son to follow his dreams and passions will be an added bonus.

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