... it took longer then I thought or actually I couln'd leave London as soon as I thought as there were plenty of delays (well it is England, the country of delays!!). But the trip was so far okay.
Arriving in Montreal I had to pass the passport control and there I had to realize that it's so nice to live in Europe and that you can pass borders without any inconvenience!!
I arrived and the guy asked me plenty of question: "What are you doing here?"
"Well I'm on vacation."
"Were are you planing to travel?"
"Well I'm planing to stay in Montreal. I am visiting a friend."
"Is he picking you up at the Airport? Do you know the adress were you are going to stay?"
"Well actually no. But I have my friend's name and his phone number."
"How long do you know him?"
"Well around 1 and a half years"
"Where do you know him from?"
"He used to be a friend's flatmate in France."
Finally he let me go!! But wow you really have the feeling that you are doing something wrong maybe!
After slight delays with the luggages I finally got out of the airport where my friend Bruno was waiting for me!!