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There are [830] photos and [88] stories about Canada

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Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [829]

The most beautiful city in the World !!! At least   some people say so. I am not quite sure about that. It’s a cool city yes, a huge city yes, an impressive city yes and you can do what ever you want to do there yes. And it’s such a noisy city ... Read more >


Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [729]

As Eli and AJ have studied there they would tell us where to go. We had a little walk around there and walked again through a campus where there was some African dance competition. We felt a bit like in those typical American movies but it was ... Read more >


Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [726]

April 24th we left Boston for New York. But as both city are pretty close to each other we made a quick stop at Cambridge were Harvard is. We decided that being there even for two hours made us much smarter. An old hippy woman whose ... Read more >


Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [874]

On the road to Boston we had to get through the American border. Always kind of a tricky thing even if you don’t have anything to hide. Well the only thing we took illegally over the border was… vegetables!! Naughty girls!! But the very strict ... Read more >

American-Est-Coast Tour 2008 with the girls

Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [807]

I was pretty bad the past weeks in updating my travelblog but I had the choice in “loosing” a couple of hours with uploading pics and writing or   spending time with all those couchsurfers we stayed with on the road, with my two travel-friends ... Read more >

Gallery: Mont Tremblant 05/04 - 08/04

Thursday, 8 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Montreal 02/05 - 04/05

Monday, 5 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Niagara Falls 30/04

Wednesday, 30 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Philly 29/04

Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: NYC 24/04-28/04

Monday, 28 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Providence 24/04

Friday, 25 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Boston 21-24/04

Thursday, 24 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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One last stop in Vancouver

Sunday, 20 Apr 2008 | Views [728]

Geoff is one of this person you can rely on. He left his flat keys where he told us he would leave them and it was a pleasure to see him again and have a nice music and picture eve, while eating some spinach lasagne. Friday Steffi and I walked through ... Read more >

Gallery: Vancouver again 17-19/04

Saturday, 19 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Harisson Hot Spring

Thursday, 17 Apr 2008 | Views [799]

Last stop before heading back to Vancouver after nearly 3000 kms! We first wanted to stop in a city called Hope but it seemed that every hope was gone there: one street with only ugly motels. We moved on to Vancouver, thinking about calling Geoff our ... Read more >

Tags: harrison hot spring


Wednesday, 16 Apr 2008 | Views [654]

Monday 14 th , we went south instead of north. We had first planed to go to Jasper but our host back in Osoyoos told us about Hot Springs and nice cities to see. And as there was still so much snow left in the parks it was definitely the best ... Read more >


Monday, 14 Apr 2008 | Views [843]

Saturday we headed up to the Rockies. We were so lucky with the weather. In Banff we stayed at two different places as our host Jason couldn’t host us the first night. He gave us the address of a good friend of his who was absolutely kind to ... Read more >

Gallery: Banff - 12.04/14.04

Monday, 14 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Saturday, 12 Apr 2008 | Views [616]

We arrived in Kelowna sometime in the late afternoon. Yoann was our host for the night. He is French and moved there for his job. He took us on Knox Mountain to view a magnificent pink sunset over the mountains. Unfortunately we ... Read more >


Friday, 11 Apr 2008 | Views [560]

Thursday, we drove from Seattle back to Canada!! We Stayed in Osoyoos at a 60 something couple. Absolutely cute and nice. They even prepared salad and pasta for diner and last but not least played a dart game outside!! Friday Claude ... Read more >

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