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Raiding the Icebox a visit to countries in which I've often thought about living


There are [62] photos and [12] stories about Iceland

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glaciers, geysirs, gullfoss - the last leg

Wednesday, 18 Jun 2008 | Views [1824]

I believe I left off in Akureyri, the "cosmopolitan capital of the North." It certainly was the largest town we'd seen since leaving Reykjavik, and we'd wanted to spend some quality time there, but unfortunately our time constraints required ... Read more >

Tags: geysir, glaciers, gulfoss, iceland, lagoon, reykjavik, skaftafell, south, svartifoss

Gallery: Roadtrip Days 9-11

Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

The final spurt through the south
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a tale of witches, waterfalls, crevices, and non-whales

Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Views [5530] | Comments [1]

First, some links: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26708482@N08/  - Pictures of Graffiti in Reykjavik http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zWk1eUYJeM  - A movie of Dettifoss, the largest waterfall in Europe (in terms of water volume) http://www.youtube.... Read more >

Tags: akureyri, dettifoss, goðafoss, holmavik, husavik, myvatn, turf, waterfalls, whale watching, witchcraft

Gallery: Around Iceland Days 6-8

Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

The central north: Lake Myvatn and Akureyri
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Gallery: Around Iceland Days 3-5

Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

The Westfjords
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Gallery: Iceland Trip Day 1 & 2

Monday, 9 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

Reykjavik and around Snaefellsnes Peninsula
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mossy moonscapes, and other dramatic vistas

Thursday, 5 Jun 2008 | Views [1704] | Comments [1]

Nathan, a friend from way back when, arrived in Reykjavik on June 2nd. We spent most of the day walking around the city - nothing too intensive as Nathan arrived at 6:30am and hadn't slept much. Really, we spent most of the day in anticipation for our ... Read more >

Tags: camping, ferry, fjords, iceland, lava fields, snaefellsnes, westfjords

musings on the wwoofing life

Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [4352] | Comments [1]

WWOOF stands for Willing Workers On Organic Farms ( link ). The way it works is you pay annual dues to be a member, you are provided with a contact list of all the farms in a given country, and then you contact the farms and hopefully arrange a stay.... Read more >

Tags: egillstadir, wwoofing

Gallery: WWOOF Iceland

Wednesday, 21 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Organic Farming in Eastern Iceland
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work weeks, light rays, and bird chirps

Wednesday, 21 May 2008 | Views [1482]

I've been on a farm in eastern Iceland since Wednesday. The small town nearby is Egilsstaðir (the ð is a cross between a d and a th sound). I say small, but it's the largest town in the east - population of about 2000. The farm, Moðir Jörd (Mother ... Read more >

Tags: egilsstaðir, wwoofing

Gallery: Reykjavik Take 1

Saturday, 17 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

first five days of the trip in Iceland´s capital city
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a pre-mature verdict can't be helped

Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [1132] | Comments [4]

Today is my 5th day in Reykjavik, here's the narrative so far: I arrived Friday morning and since then have spent my time doing a lot of walking, some sight-seeing, and some cafe-sitting. I've been trying to get over a cold I received courtesy a friend ... Read more >

Tags: arrivial, reykjavik



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