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Andy's Travel Updates "The real thing is not reaching, the real thing is the journey, the very travelling. If you are too bothered about the goal you will miss the journey, and the journey is life - the goal can only be death."

Photos: Cycling in Spain

SPAIN | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Cycling Pico de Veleta (the highest road in Europe)

SPAIN | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 | Views [877]

The Pico de Veleta is a 3400m peak in Spain. Cycling from Gibraltar it is a 2700m climb (over 40kms) which is considered one of the hardest in the world. It sounded like a great climb to do near the end of my tour. The only forecast I could find ... Read more >

Stage 5: From Girona to Copenhagen

SPAIN | Friday, 24 Oct 2014 | Views [231]

Cycling around the edge of Barcelona I was glad it was a Sunday and the traffic wasn't bad. I realised Sunday was a good day to go through busy areas, especially in Spain. The third day was as good as it gets and I was elated. The sun came out but ... Read more >

Stage 4: From Grenoble (France) to Girona (Spain)

FRANCE | Friday, 26 Sep 2014 | Views [416]

From the Alps I followed the Rhone for 3 days to Arles. I decided to cycle slightly shorter distances each day to have more time for sightseeing; this also allowed me to keep my average speed up a bit higher which made the cycling more enjoyable. ... Read more >

Photos: Cycling in France

FRANCE | Friday, 26 Sep 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Cycling in the French Alps

FRANCE | Wednesday, 17 Sep 2014 | Views [392]

Being ahead of schedule I decided to take a week off from cycling across Europe to go cycling in the Alps. One of the main differences being that I could stay in the one place for 2 or 3 days instead of packing up every day. It didn't go quite ... Read more >

Tags: cycling

Stage 3: The Swiss Alps

SWITZERLAND | Monday, 8 Sep 2014 | Views [495]

This stage was from Ulm in Southern Germany to a town near Annecy in France. It followed the Rhine through Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and into the Swiss Alps - then over the Alps, following the Rhone, Lake Geneva and into France. Here are some highlights:... Read more >

Photos: Cycling in Switzerland

SWITZERLAND | Monday, 8 Sep 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Stage 2: Berlin to Ulm (Southern Germany)

GERMANY | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 | Views [369]

The first morning after 3 rest days wasn´t the easiest - I knew I was paying for the later nights and drinking more than the 'one or two' I had planned in Berlin (I had a great time staying with my cousin Carolyn and seeing Berlin). By the ... Read more >

Stage 1: cycling from Copenhagen to Berlin

DENMARK | Monday, 18 Aug 2014 | Views [319]

Here are some highlights of my ride from Copenhagen to Berlin:   Day 2: My ride continued through beautiful scenery on good back roads in Zealand (the old one). There was a steady headwind for most of the day, which gave me a surreal experience ... Read more >

Day 1 - cycling from Copenhagen

DENMARK | Sunday, 10 Aug 2014 | Views [375]

I can't wait to get on the road. There is a severe weather warning (strong winds and thunderstorms) and I have a sore throat. I'm not sure if it's a cold or jet-lag (I arrived from Australia yesterday). The thought of delaying 1 day crosses my mind ... Read more >

Photos: Cycling Europe - the return journey

DENMARK | Thursday, 31 Jul 2014 | Photo Gallery

Solo cycling trip From Copenhagen to Gibraltar
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Preparing for the return journey

DENMARK | Tuesday, 29 Jul 2014 | Views [310]

I've embarked on the return journey, cycling from Copenhagen to Gibraltar. It's about a 6000km trip through 8 or 9 countries. Here are the main things I'm doing differently this time: - This route will take me through Germany, Switzerland, Austria ... Read more >

Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland by bicycle

LUXEMBOURG | Saturday, 28 Aug 2010 | Views [679]

Eight to ten hours of cycling is a lot of thinking time. Too much. After 3 months I noticed the most common thought was a ridiculous breakdown of the day's ride into smaller targets, 'If I cycle at over 20kms/hr for the next hour then I'll be half way ... Read more >

France by bicycle

FRANCE | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Views [527]

Having climbed the Pyrenees from Spain, the first order of business  was a beautiful descent into France. There wasn't an official border  but there was a sudden change in the architecture, the road, the language and (of great interest to a cycling ... Read more >

Spain by bicycle

SPAIN | Friday, 25 Jun 2010 | Views [517]

After only 5kms of cycling I already felt I had accomplished plenty: I had cycled in 2 countries, got lost twice, gone the wrong way down a one way street and had cycled across an airport runway. Not a bad start! Shorty afterwards, a local saw me looking ... Read more >

Goodbye hospitality of the Americas, Hello worst hostel ever!

USA | Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 | Views [546]

My third trip to Boquete, Panama was just one week to see my friends and my Panamanian family and to learn a little more Spanish. I half expected to have overstayed my welcome with the family but they were just as welcoming and I really felt part of ... Read more >


NICARAGUA | Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 | Views [465]

Easter week is the busiest time of year to cross the border, so I got up at 3:30 and missed the worst of the crowds. I befriend a ´Nica´ on the bus from Liberia (in Costa Rica) and was able to join some of his friends further ahead in the line.I spent ... Read more >

Surviving the Gringo Trail during spring break

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 28 Mar 2010 | Views [942]

Finally I made it out of Panama. I went to see Volcano Arenal but I´m not sure there was a volcano there - only clouds. Monteverde was a nicer experience, although cloudy there was plenty to see: sloths, tarantulas, quetzals and lots of green. One afternoon ... Read more >

Three Birthdays and a Funeral

PANAMA | Friday, 19 Mar 2010 | Views [3531]

After staying with a Panamanian family in Boquete for 6 weeks I am now an adopted part of their family. They insist that I come back in ten years time with some kids, a wife and my by-then-old travelling boots (because you apparently can't buy good work ... Read more >

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