Wondering and Wandering
I graduated. Now what? Do I live the life I never wanted to live? The one where I move to the city, get a job in a corporate cubicle, and slave away 60 hours a week for $40,000 a year? No thanks. How about 5 years down the road when I settle on a girl I don't truly love, buy the car I don't need, have the marriage that won't last, buy the home I can't afford? No thanks. I want to see things, I want to experience life in every way. This is the only life I've got, I might as well make the most of it and do something I won't foget. So here I am, travelling the world one step at a time. Where I'm going is yet to be decided, how long I'm there is up in the air, but one thing's for sure. Whatever I do, where ever I go, I'm going to be living. You can count on that.
Thoughts, this may be a bit random since I've been drinking tonight.
UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 8 April 2007 | Views [699] | Comments [6]
Sometimes I wish I was what people considered God so that I could hear their secrets. Not so much to take advantage of them or to gain wealth for myself but simply because knowledge is power. It's not that I need or desire power, its that people respect the powerful and I appreciate respect. I'm making myself out to be some sort of power hungry assclown and I'm not, I just want to know peoples secrets. Just so I can know. What is happiness? Happiness is whatever people make it out to be, happiness makes people happy for whatever occurance it suits them. Sometimes people are happy just to live, at other times, people look for happiness in objects, wealth, people, or power. Am I making sense here? I think people are happy when it's convienent to be happy. Sometimes it's easier to be happy that it is at other times. For instance, just yesterday I took a 20 mile bike ride (20.6 to be exact) and that made me happy. It made me happy to be on my own. It made me happy to go 35 miles an hour (there was a bike computer attached to the handlebars that gave me these exact read-outs). It made me happy to stop, listen to the birds and the wind and nothing else. It made me happy to reach a pub at mile number 10 and enjoy a pint of cider and a hot burger made from Herefordshire beef. Sometimes it's the little things that make us happy, sometimes it takes a lot to make us happy. At this moment in time I'm very happy to just exist. To be able to wake up in the morning and appreciate what a good day looks, smells, and feels like. Granted, I may not always like my job, or enjoy a member of the family I live with, but I have learned to always enjoy the fact that I have my 5 senses, and the fact that I can enjoy life to it's fullest, and the fact that I have a choice in how I live my life, and the fact that there are people that love me and care about me. I know that I am one of the luckiest people I know because of the people in my life and the fact that I make my own choices. Thanks to those of you who appreicate me and what I'm doing, and to those of you who don't...why are you reading this? If you don't understand what I'm doing, re-read this passage. This trip, i've just realized, helps me understand myself and define what exactly I belive in. Ok, enough bullshitting. I'm going to bed now because I've got a sunburn (finally) and my ass hurts from riding that bike...and yes Rob, I'm sure it's because of the bike, not because of too many pints at the pub. I will post some pictures tomorrow.
So it's almost midnight and I thought I would post a bit more. Yesterday, before I went on my bike ride I helped "Sir Richard" build a bonfire in the great wilderness. He was cleaning up the debris from the fallen tree and called on me for my assistance. Yes I know, I should be knighted. Tonight I walked a mile and a half just to go to a pub and have a pint of Stowford Press cider and a shot of Glenmorrainge scotch. Then I managed to make my way home in the dark without the help of a flashlight because I think I can see better in the dark now that carrots are a staple of my diet. Now I'm going to bed. Night all.
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