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Wondering and Wandering I graduated. Now what? Do I live the life I never wanted to live? The one where I move to the city, get a job in a corporate cubicle, and slave away 60 hours a week for $40,000 a year? No thanks. How about 5 years down the road when I settle on a girl I don't truly love, buy the car I don't need, have the marriage that won't last, buy the home I can't afford? No thanks. I want to see things, I want to experience life in every way. This is the only life I've got, I might as well make the most of it and do something I won't foget. So here I am, travelling the world one step at a time. Where I'm going is yet to be decided, how long I'm there is up in the air, but one thing's for sure. Whatever I do, where ever I go, I'm going to be living. You can count on that.


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 April 2007 | Views [826] | Comments [14]

So everywhere I look I see these doppelgangers. Not ones of myself (which would portray my own death) but of others (not ones that speak of illness or death of friends). Basically I see people I know come alive in other people. It's like, I see someone, and I am automatically drawn to them because they remind me of someone, either physically, or their actions, or the fact that they just farted and that reminds me of the time I was with someone in an elevator and some old lady behind us farted. FYI, I hate, HATE, people who talk during movies. If you have a comment, SHUT UP. I don't give a flying rat turd why you think they stopped the car, or if she knows he's following her, or if his actions show that he is a complete ass muncher. During the movie, your opinions don't matter to me. After the movie, talk all you want, then I can easily shut you out with a few "uh huhs", and "yeahs". I went to Cardiff today, (capital of Wales). It has been proven to me today that the Welsh built superior castles to the Irish. I also learned today that I will not be happy when settling down unless I live A. on a boat, or B. by the ocean. I'm growing out my hair, never done it before, why not...right? Men have to treat women with respect....IT GOES BOTH WAYS WOMAN, go make me a pie! I'm a pig, I know. I'm done rambling now. Go see Running With Scissors or rent it. It's worth your while if you think shrinks are just as rancid as I do. (No offense to the shrinks who read this, you're brilliant). I'm writing a book, I hope it gets published...guess I have to write it first. I swear, if more people don't start reading this and/or commenting, I'm going to stop. That's not a threat...it's a promise. Toodles kids.

Tags: People



Alex please don't stop writing this journal. There are many of us who look forward to each post. It gives us a chance to be with you a little each time we read it.

I found Running With Scissors to be terribly dull. Not my cup of tea at all.

I couldn't agree more about people who talk during movies. It doesn't seem to matter where you are, there are those who can't hush. The Brits are no different from us in that respect I guess.

Three more weeks until we meet up in Dublin, fantastic.

Love always,

  Grandmother Apr 3, 2007 10:59 AM


If you stop writing, I will come over there and beat you. That's not a threat... it's a promise. Ok... yeah... it's a threat... So Ryan, Pebbles and I went to go eat some Indian food last week, and Ryan had some pamphlet he got from some vegan group on campus and how they treat chickens and beef and what not. Anyway, just looking at the pamphlet about how horrible the living conditions are for chickens made me hungry. I mean... come on... that's a lot of tasty birds all in one building! And don't even get me started on the rest of the animals we hold captive and slaughter and consume... mmmmmmm steak...... Anyway, random thought. Hope all is well buddy.

  Brian Apr 3, 2007 1:36 PM


To My Dear Random Alex: Ummmm . . . paragraphs?? I am with Brian, but mine is a promise. Novel? Get a timer and write for 15 minutes each day and at least you will get it started. Heard wonderful things about the movie and will see it soon.

You are a pig, but you know it. The first step is admitting you have a problem . . .

Hopefully you will be in a boat on the ocean.

The Welsh were/are a mighty lot and they have quality, not quantity. Glad you got to see some sights.

Hair? Please don't look like some of the crazy 20 somethings I saw in San Diego - they were scary. Also, curly hair is challenging in the morning.

Will bring you pralines soon. Love, your random mom

  Diana Apr 3, 2007 2:04 PM


I think it's been duly established that many of your readers will purchase plane tickets to come beat your ass if you discontinue this blog... I'm no exception.

Dopplegangers (the good kind) make me smile.

I still need to ride my bike over to the movie store and rent Running With Scissors. I'll do it though, eventually.

Take lots of pictures of your hair... Love to see something different.


  Jessica Apr 3, 2007 3:16 PM


Alex, You go get me some pie and make it pecan. I'll have a glass of tea with it!! Oh, yeah I talk during movies just ask Uncle Doug.(I only whisper) Be safe. I just found this journal so dont stop now.

  missy Apr 3, 2007 8:18 PM


nice post......i see you found the absinthe.

we're still checking in to read - no worries and don't get discouraged.

"mama said he died of the dehydration" (how's that for random?)

  Rob Apr 3, 2007 11:30 PM



  big pimpin' Apr 3, 2007 11:36 PM


BTW - The perfect woman (see previous blogs) may or may not make a pie - be forewarned.

Also, FYI, writers write for the pure joy of writing and do not care if anyone reads. If they do it is a bonus.


  Diana Apr 4, 2007 3:29 AM


Are you on speed?, crack?, or meth???? I see you got your attention span from your mother - who, by the way, got hers from a gnat with A-D-D. WHat's the deal with droppinhangers?????? Miss you and I read all your posts. I promise I will comment more. Take Care of you and don't pet any burning puppies. EATER!!!!

  Big D Apr 4, 2007 10:55 AM


Are you on speed?, crack?, or meth???? I see you got your attention span from your mother - who, by the way, got hers from a gnat with A-D-D. WHat's the deal with droppinhangers?????? Miss you and I read all your posts. I promise I will comment more. Take Care of you and don't pet any burning puppies. EATER!!!!

  Big D Apr 4, 2007 10:56 AM


Running with Scissors YES! He is my favourite (note the "correct" spelling) author! You NEED to read some of his other books. I have one of them if you want to give me your address I will send it to you. Shouldn't take too long for you to get it if you are interested. Cause I know you are poor =D


  Aimee Apr 5, 2007 12:09 AM


hee hee the attention span of a gnat with A.D.D. that's funny. and so true. ... until she goes into combat mode then get the out of her way and do what she says.

oooh, i'm probably gonna pay for that.

speaking of the perfect woman, have you read "sex, drugs and cocoa puffs" ?

i had to ignore the poop essay. i started having flash backs. post-traumatic stress syndrome - 20 years later.

i guess you're not having ham for easter, huh?

so the 24-hour lab thing is going great. one day this week i had a 3 a.m. phone call. someone didn't show up for their shift. what do they do? i said keep calling him & i'll keep calling him 'til he wakes up. i called once & fell back asleep. and dreamed i was chasing the no-show lab monitor around a baseball field (opening day this week)yelling at him to get back on the field and play ball. he just ran for the bullpen. the phone woke me again at 4 a.m. & i told them i'm sure he was on his way ....

i miss my bitch.


  Jackie Blue Apr 6, 2007 12:47 PM


Ahem, don't stop writing in the blog.

Also, you wanna explaaaaain the randomness there bud? How are things going in that crazy head of yours?

  Meagan Apr 7, 2007 4:43 AM


Oh, she will pay. Combat mode, huh?
gnat F1

  diana Apr 8, 2007 7:25 AM

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