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Ozarks and Beyond If the Ozarks had a beach it would be almost perfect.

The Rain Stopped!

USA | Thursday, 11 August 2011 | Views [304]

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Sorry, but there aren't any new photos today.  The last couple of days have been busy with the kids performing and attending other shows.  Last night we went to a show called "Potted Potter" that left us crying with laughter.  It was a two man show that more irreverently than accurately summed up all 7 Harry Potter books in about an hour.  With a minimal stage set and plenty of audience participation (including myself, Taylor and Ben) these two guys had everyone's attention from the start.

At the kids late night performance last night they had reviewers in attendance.  One of the reviews from an audience member said: "Absolutely amazing! So much energy that never drops for a second, also some brilliant audience interaction. Well worth the 30 minute walk (each way) =]."  I really think the kids should be proud to see their hard work paying off.

Tonight we went to the Military Tattoo.  In fact we just got back to the dorms about 10 minutes ago.  The Tattoo is like a military band festival featuring Scottish and English military bands from all over the world.  It was truly amazing.  At one point they had 400 musicians including 60 bagpipers on the esplanade playing at one time.  The whole thing takes place in front of Edinburgh castle after dark so they can use the castle as a backdrop for projections and fireworks.  Did I mention how truly amazing this was?  To start the evening they flew over a british royal airforce jet at low altitude.  Did I mention how amazing this was?

I took a fair number of pictures tonight so I'll try to have some of them uploaded tomorrow.  Oh, and by the way, it finally stopped raining about an hour before the show started tonight.  It was blustery and cold but at least it was dry.  We've had about 6 inches of rain in the last 4 days and we're starting to get a little moldy behind the ears.

Tomorrow is performing and attending a show and maybe a little shopping.  I think everyone is starting to miss home a little now and starting to wear out a little.  I'll try to update you tomorrow with pics and information so you might check back.

See ya soon,


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