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an adventure exploring australia be off then Hello there folks, just another little blog because three aren’t enough I will use this to post some pics from the little journey that will hopefully take me around Australia with a brief stop over in Bangkok! Leaving UK 20th Septe


There are [0] photos and [1] story tagged with "working holiday".

working in the whitsundays=working in paradise!? Yeah right.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 11 May 2015 | Views [318]

Thinking about getting a job on an island resort? Think again! They look like the perfect paradise...and they quite possibly are for the guests who don't want any more than sitting around drinking cocktails and maybe hop on a jetski. Daydream Island ... Read more >

Tags: airlie beach, daydream island, whitsundays, working holiday, working on daydream island, working whitsundays

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