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an adventure exploring australia be off then Hello there folks, just another little blog because three aren’t enough I will use this to post some pics from the little journey that will hopefully take me around Australia with a brief stop over in Bangkok! Leaving UK 20th Septe

here and there...North journeys.

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 4 August 2015 | Views [341]

Australia. Land of stories. And connection. It's been a journey of kearning and understanding ...and having a lot of fun.

I spent nearly a month at the wonderful Kerry's beautiful place in mena Creek. It was a chance to really help set up veggie gardens, taste wonderful durian, and binge on mangosteen. Mainly just talk a lot though, watch great movies and discuss permaculture, bio dynamics and politics. That month become just another amazing link in this chain of meeting wonderful people in stunning places. We got to meet some of “the neighbours” who live in similar properties tucked away in forest and fruit trees, I had the chance to join the bio dynamics meeting and read a lot about Steiner's ideas. Maybe not a lot, but it was a great start either way and if it wasn't beautiful enough staying with Kerry and working on the land, I would have definitely stayed just to read all the books :)


Next along was Yungaburra.

I was meant to work at a zucchini farm. I ended up working 2 days as the plants were really unhealthy, the weather no good and hence not much picking to do.

I then got introduced to the zucchini farmer's sister and brother in law. The very well known Nic's Restaurant in Yungaburra. Apparently I could work there, help in the restaurant and around the property.

I ended up moving into a little unit out the back. I did a tonnne of weeding around several properties she owned and even more around the back of the restaurant and their holiday cottages. That was all fine. Not so fun was knowing that your are doing a good job yet always worrying about not meeting expectations. On top of that listening to insults from wife to husband, and generally harsh/ rude and aggressive talk. Watching someone who obviously has a drinking problem change demeanour. Being insulted after making a few mistakes in the restaurant which I had not been shown but was pushed in to help at a very busy night after a week or two of solely working outside in the gardens.

It was quite a challenge to stay sane, friendly and positive. On top of all that I had to ask 5 times for my wages. I was so grateful to have a job, and did really get almost full time hours but the way they treat their staff is not worth it and there's the constant uncertainty about how many hours you will get during the week.

I had an amazing time going for runs and swims around lake Eachum and spotting platypus and snakes in the creek.


I went to see friends at Fruitopia a few times. On one of my trips back I managed to crash. Car a write off. I ended up in a very dramatic looking rescue action and got air lifted to Cairns hospital.

My right arm had been trapped under the car and I ended up with a cast. No breaks...just a lot of pain. All the following hassle with Mareeba is another story and not one I want to share here. They are rude and inappropriate. That's it.

I was lucky enough to have Fruitopians pick me up from Cairns and the offer to stay and recover.

It's been five weeks and I had a wonderful time.

I am grateful for what happened really. I ended up in a beautiful space on all levels. During the time I had the cast I went to see the lovely fruitarians Mango and Kveta and spent a wonderful morning with them, chatting, having my cards read and drinking beautiful smoothies.

I then cut my cast off but was still in quite some pain and constant tired. I went to visit lovely Jutta whom I had met at the bio dynamic workshop a couple of months ago. Perfect place and time. I slept the best sleep in a little cottage to myself on her property, went exploring the property and met her fun friends at a bbq.

Being stuck at a farm without a car also led to a couple of bizarre cash in hand jobs. More on the list of random jobs in this country ;)

For a few days I went up to Cairns to work at the show. A hideous event of overpriced shit food (everything you can deep fry), silly “show bags”, ridiculously expensive rides...and apparently some actual “show” stuff with plants and animals but I never got to see that. I just sold disgusting food for up to 15hrs. It was soul destroying and painful- mentally and physically. Never again!!! BUT quick cash for desperate backpackers.

Same goes for second job... stirring shit and shovelling mud at a festival. BE PART OF THE POO CREW AND BE PROUD! :D Working for Viking Rentals, the port-a-loo people, was quite a lucky event. I scored the morning shifts which were pretty easy compared to the night crew's disasters.

Even better when someone sticks $100 in your pocket at the end of your last shift :)

I can totally recommend everyone getting a job at a festival. Good crew, good cash and you get to party for free. We even got pretty good food (Well, I did, because you get real food as a vegan, not just sandwiches. ;-))

Florence and the Machine live, definitely a recommendation.

Driving 2000km non-stop in 30hrs, including an unplanned 4hr detour, is not so much recommended ;-) we made it, but especially the tour back was just painful on all levels. Quite hilarious too though, being stopped by the cops and just chatting away, totally sleep deprived and silly and not being able “to blow into the plastic tube”.

Back safe and sound at the farm.

Very lucky to have had the chance to go up to the Daintree with my beautiful friend Martina before her journey back to Melbourne. So blessed to be able to hang out with Prem on another little gem of property in the Daintree.

Now a week of some combined effort working on the farm, but hell it's tiring when you haven't done much for a month. As much as I'm grateful for all that's been happening...I still suffer great impatience...and curse my wrist sometimes! But again, I couldn't be in a better place and am excited to venture up to Kuranda and back into the Daintree lushness for my last weeks in Australia! :) Soon to be reunited with my lovely Jodie from Melbourne too.

Exciting times ahead!

Life is Good.

Positive vibes to all... :) Love Love M xxx

Tags: cairns, car crash, fruitopia, mena creek, nicks restaurant, viking rentals, yungaburra



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