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South Asia Adventure My backpacking Adventure with my best friend Kelsey and my sister Devon!!!! When us three get together it is a guaranteed good time!

Photos: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Friday, 10 Jun 2011 | Photo Gallery

We arrived in Phnom Pehn by bus through the Cambodian Border and once in Phnom Pehn we walked to find a hotel. The one we found was cheap so we took it however it made us both very creeped out. So we made sure to lock all of the 3 lockson our door every ... Read more >
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Photos: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Saturday, 4 Jun 2011 | Photo Gallery

We flew to Ho Chi Minh and visited the Cu Chi Tunnels, and the War museum... it was very depressing and sad but learning about the Viet Cong and all the tunnels they digged and lived in was super neat and we loved exploring them and walking through. ... Read more >
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Photos: Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Friday, 13 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

We arrived in Chiang Mai and immediately had a blast! We got caught in the rain while shopping at the night market, went and saw a Thai boxing match and went on a 2 day trek in the rain forest which we got to ride elephants, white water raft and sit half ... Read more >
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Photos: Phuket and Patong Beach

THAILAND | Monday, 9 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

Here are photos of the beginning of our trip... more to come!!!
See all 70 photos >>

Day of Traveling

CANADA | Wednesday, 4 May 2011 | Views [350] | Comments [1]

Yesterday May2/3rd was quite an adventure for Kels and I... When we got to Vancouver we thought we only had a 4 hour wait until our flight to Hong Kong where we would catch our connecting flight to Bangkok... however that would make too much sense and ... Read more >

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