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There are [0] photos and [14] stories tagged with "road trip".

The Bitter Taste of Failure.

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 16 Apr 2015 | Views [1251] | Comments [1]

At around 1100 metres my clutch threw in the towel. A fistful of throttle saw nothing happening at the back wheel. I dismounted and spat on the clutch housing; it was like throwing water onto a hot bar-be-que plate. What to do? I was stopped at the bottom ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Flores - it drives me round the bend! Part 2. Hu'u Beach to Bajawa.

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Mar 2015 | Views [1192] | Comments [1]

  Mt. Tambora - it had defeated me this time. As I rode towards Hu'u Beach memories of my climb there in 2008 returned. It was a special place made more so because few outsiders ever got to visit it. On April 15, 1815 the world shook. Tambora ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, flores, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Through the Badlands to Bangko- Bangko

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [2607]

BACK ROADS TO BANGKO-BANGKO Every road trip begins with a fistful of throttle and this one was no different. I roared out the gate and swept over the 100 metres of powdered dust that separates home from the bitumen. On to the by-pass road I swung ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, lombok, motorcycling, off-roading, road trip

Sumbawa Hard Way Round. Tepal - Sumbawa's Timbuktu

INDONESIA | Friday, 9 Aug 2013 | Views [2300]

SUMBAWA HARD WAY ROUND. TEPAL – SUBAWA’S TIMBUKTU My wrists and arms ached as I slowly negotiated another torturous descent some way along the track to Tepal, a remote village deep in the mountainous hinterland behind Sumbawa Besar city.... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, off-road, road trip, sumbawa

Photos: Wadu Pa'a: Remote Hindu/Buddhist Carvings

INDONESIA | Monday, 29 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

Road trip to the mouth of Bima Bay, Sumbawa
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Tags: road trip

Sumbawa Hard way Round. Wadu Pa'a: Remote Hindu/Buddhist Outpost.

INDONESIA | Sunday, 28 Jul 2013 | Views [1990]

BUDDHISM'S EASTERN FRONTIER - WADU PA'A BIMA BAY.   He sideled up beside me hand outstretched. I was in Mataram Mall, Lombok's sole concession to the god's of 21st century consumerism. My first thought was: 'He's selling timeshare.' But I ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Sumbawa - Valley of the Forgotten Chiefs.

INDONESIA | Friday, 26 Jul 2013 | Views [1165]

SUMBAWA HARD WAY ROUND - VALLEY OF THE FORGOTTEN CHIEFS We left at 10 am sharp. My mate Eric, from Cipta Sari Bakery Jalan Hasanuddin No. 47 Sumbawa Besar, on his Honda Beat scooter and me on a Kawasaki KLX150 Roadtrail. Before setting off I fueled ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Sumbawa Hard Way Round: Part 1 Kamikaze Canine

INDONESIA | Friday, 19 Jul 2013 | Views [1670]

KAMIKAZE CANINE – SUMBAWA: THE HARD WAY ROUND He came barrelling out of the scrub to my right, a white flash against the greenery. In situations like this your mind slots into overdrive. I knew this big white dog wasn’t stopping to ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Tambora - the mountain that blew its top. Part 6 Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa - a motorcycle odyssey

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012 | Views [1594]

TAMBORA – THE MOUNTAIN THAT BLEW ITS TOP I’d been travelling east of Bali for less than two weeks but a lot had happened. At 6.00 am on a Monday morning, I’d nosed out into the traffic on Jalan Padma, Legian, Bali and headed east ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, mountain climbing, road trip, sumbawa

Part 5. "Helter-skelter across Sumbawa"

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2012 | Views [2493] | Comments [1]

  SUMBAWA – INDONESIA’S SIDELINED ISLAND   I was the only tourist aboard the little JM Ferry –“We Serve Indonesia” – as it slid between the two spits of land guarding the narrow entrance to ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip, sumbawa

Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa - a motorcycle odyssey. Part 4: Laid Back in Lombok

INDONESIA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 | Views [1562]

Laid Back in Lombok. The muezzin’s call to prayer hung in the still air while he paused to take breath. Each succeeding verse seemed to increase in dramatic intensity and the silence that reigned when the last note faded was total. It was 4.... Read more >

Tags: adventure, beaches, indonesia, lombok, motorcycling, road trip

Part 2. Motorcycling in Indonesia - Potholes and Pitfalls

INDONESIA | Thursday, 9 Aug 2012 | Views [1613]

Part 2. Motorcycling in Indonesia – Potholes and Pitfalls   In Part 1 I wrote about hiring, insurance and the culture of ‘the accident’.   Now we’ll examine what to expect from other road users, road conditions ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road conditions, road trip, safety

Motorcycling in Indonesia - Live to Tell the Tale - Part 1

INDONESIA | Thursday, 9 Aug 2012 | Views [1808]

Motorcycling in Indonesia – Live to Tell the Tale.     He hobbled into the hotel foyer, a picture of pain and misery. His board shorts - ripped and stained with a mixture of dust, dirt and congealed blood -   didn’... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip

Part 2. Legian to the Lombok Ferry - Padangbai

INDONESIA | Thursday, 3 May 2012 | Views [1804]

Indonesian Odyssey – beyond Bali. As soon as we walked into the showroom I knew which one Inez was going to choose. There they were, lined up in a neatly spaced row,   - Honda Vario scooters - each one a shiny-bright, 110cc, liquid-... Read more >

Tags: adventure, indonesia, motorcycling, road trip

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