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one step at a time-my life in a backpack Ok where to start? Well I'm 23 an aussie and after years of talking about doing this travel thing I have set off on my way. The idea is to see the uk and europe (highly original I know) But since I set out here I just don't know where to stop!! I believe the travel bug may just have bitten me! But really you only live once and why not see everything. Life should be about happiness and experiences not stress and misery! Well at least thats what I want!

I'm on my way

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 24 February 2007 | Views [199]

Well the day has come I am about to leave. My day is filled of questions such as do I have everything tickets etc... I am excited and extreamly happy and yet I am sad and slightly afraid! I say a sad goodbye to friends, family and an extreamly understanding boyfriend and I leave Perth airport at 2:55 Saturday morning with a one way ticket and no idea of a return date. The flight was cool considering I am afraid of flying and I even managed to sleep. I get to Heathrow and get through customs and catch up with my cousin James who I have not seen in a long while. I get introduced to the tube and hostel life. I have to say I think I kind of like it!! After diner time to sleep cause tomorrow I am seeing London!!

Tags: Airports

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