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Life Love & Adventure Follow my journeys around this little blue planet as I tread wearily into unknown waters, sipping on the nectars of ancient fruit trees, grappling linguistics with foreign tongues, and bathing in exotic sensations ...

The journey continues but ...

MEXICO | Friday, 26 Oct 2018 | Views [308]

I must apologise to those of you who have been checking this journal for updates and not finding anything. The World Nomads site is not setup for mobile devices, tablets and phones, and the procedure to create the blogs and upload photos is too cumbersome.... Read more >

Photos: Quillarumiyoq

PERU | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Sacsayhuaman and Qenqo

PERU | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

See all 38 photos >>

Photos: Machu Picchu

PERU | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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The Nazca Plain

PERU | Thursday, 11 Oct 2018 | Views [564] | Comments [1]

Here was a day that I ticked off another item on my bucket list. After a delayed start that afforded us time to do some souvenir shopping, the clouds finally cleared enough for our little plane to take off. I calmed the nerves with some coca tea (which ... Read more >

Tags: flights, geoglyphs

Photos: The Nazca Plain

PERU | Thursday, 11 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Paracas to Nasca

PERU | Wednesday, 10 Oct 2018 | Views [518]

Pisco sours are sneaky! They go down all too easily with your freshly grilled fish and scallops, and leave you with furry brain lag the next morning! But I'll go back for more, in a couple of days. We started the day with a drive to the Julio C. Tello ... Read more >

Tags: desert, geoglyphs, mummies, museum

Photos: Paracas to Nazca

PERU | Wednesday, 10 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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PERU | Tuesday, 9 Oct 2018 | Views [508]

I met the pre-tour group this morning and was happy to find I wasn't the oldest among us. Old Len is a spritely 91 years old! I kid you not! While it's too early to find out his secret to maintaining an active enough lifestyle to tour Peru, I will report ... Read more >

Tags: skulls

Photos: Paracas

PERU | Monday, 8 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Getting to Lima

PERU | Monday, 8 Oct 2018 | Photo Gallery

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The journey to Lima

PERU | Monday, 8 Oct 2018 | Views [405]

I tried to work out the number of hours between 9pm Saturday in Perth and 6pm Sunday in Lima, but tripped over myself somewhere across the dateline. Then there was the 2 hour reduction between Santiago and Lima but for practical reasons I'll call it ... Read more >

Tags: cliffs, flights, traffic

Passport - check! Tickets - check! Pre-flight anxiety - Check!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2018 | Views [334]

You'd think with 9 months of planning, preparing, psyching up that I'd be chafing at the bit right now. This is one of those bucket-list trips which I'm still unable to accept is actually happening. Counting down 11 hours until I leave Perth for Lima, ... Read more >

Berlin - part 2, Museums

GERMANY | Sunday, 11 May 2014 | Views [827]

From my travels to other parts of the world I've known Berlin to hold some of the oldest and best archeological treasures in it's extensive museum collections, so our mission for our last day here was to explore some of them.  The major museums ... Read more >

Tags: museums, sightseeing

Photos: Berlin - part 2, Museums

GERMANY | Sunday, 11 May 2014 | Photo Gallery

Sightseeing around Berlin, visiting Museums
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Berlin - part 1, Sightseeing

GERMANY | Saturday, 10 May 2014 | Views [878]

Ah, Berlin! Pleased to meet you! There's always an estranged familiarity with seeing with one's own eyes the images one has been party too for a life time. Television, movies, world news, history documentaries, magazines, books - you name it, Berlin ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing

Photos: Berlin - part 1, Sightseeing

GERMANY | Saturday, 10 May 2014 | Photo Gallery

Sightseeing in Berlin
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CZECH REPUBLIC | Thursday, 8 May 2014 | Views [928]

It's always a bit hit-and-miss trying to synchronise with the weather and our sojourn in Prague broke even.  The train from Munich rolled it's way steadily through the farmland of southeast Germany and the forested woodlands of western Czech Republic, ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing

Photos: Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Thursday, 8 May 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Munich and the Royal Castles

GERMANY | Tuesday, 6 May 2014 | Views [960] | Comments [1]

We managed to survive the first afternoon in this city named after it's 4th century monks (München) but only just! I think the snow in Innsbruck was a few degrees warmer than here! But as any good tourist does on coming to a new place, they get ... Read more >

Tags: castles, sightseeing

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