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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "castles".

Munich and the Royal Castles

GERMANY | Tuesday, 6 May 2014 | Views [960] | Comments [1]

We managed to survive the first afternoon in this city named after it's 4th century monks (München) but only just! I think the snow in Innsbruck was a few degrees warmer than here! But as any good tourist does on coming to a new place, they get ... Read more >

Tags: castles, sightseeing

Transylvanian Castles

ROMANIA | Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 | Views [607]

Our Transylvanian Castles Tour took us a couple of hours out of Bucharest in a 12-seater coaster. We had the company of a group of elderly Belgians, a couple of Italian blokes and an American (or Canadian?) couple, and were guided by one of the natives ... Read more >

Tags: castles, sightseeing

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