It's Saturday. Lindsay and I just woke up. We slept for about 12 hours straight and honestly I think the jet lag is officially over.
We're pretty much a million miles away from everything. In a desperate attempt for Breakfast for the next morning, Lindsay and I bought bottles of water and some cereal bars at the BP down the road. We don't really know where anything else is.
I'm a little bummed because I thought that through studying abroad I could live in a real dorm at a normal college but because our housing got screwed up we aren't. We're about 3 miles away from everyone else and our house is suspiciously VERY similar to that of Cristina's. aka we can reach from one side of the room to the other, hold hands when we sleep, barely squeeze our clothes in the closet and there are FAR too many people sharing one bathroom.
We'll make due though...we're going to try and figure out how to get some of the things we decided to "just buy here" seemed easy enough before we left home, but the only nearby store is about 11 blocks away....I really need a towel and some food. "Hungry Jack" (aka Burger King) will not suffice for the next 4 months.
Almost everyone we met on the plane and things (that we liked anyway) lives in the International House where we were supposed to live. They spent all day yesterday swimming in their housing facilitie's pool....Lindsay and I walked to "Hungry Jack" and then read the magazines Monica gave us to each other. If nothing else we'll be very well educated on Spring fashion and have legs of steal when we come home....
I'm sure everything will get better after orientation. We just have to get cell phones and find out how EXACTLY to walk to where everyone is. I think we're going to buy tram passes...That and some more of our house mates are supposed to move in around Monday. There's an Australian boy in the room to our right and a Singapore?? boy to our left, and we all four share the upstairs bathroom.
I think we're going to go explore!
Miss you all!