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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Luang Prabang

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 10 January 2009 | Views [307]

After a beautiful albeit a bit of a hairey bus ride from vang vieng through a gorgeous mountain range i arrived in  charming luang prabang, a world heritage town full of old french colonial buildings surrounded by lush green mountains along the mekong river. at night, the main street is pedestrianised and cars are replaced by street vendors selling their beautiful goods in the night market. the scenery is spectaculour and the mood very laid back. Luang Prabang is however so much more expensive than down south but there is sooo much to do here from mountain biking, caving, kayaking, elephant trekking, hill tribe trekking - you name it. I have pottered around the last few days checking out the local temples and havent really done much as such as its just a nice place to chill. 

This morning i had breakfast at a riverside restaurant overlooking the mekong river surrounded by coconut palm trees and i have to say this is very much a dream location except for my accomodation which is a cheap AND VERY BASIC guesthouse run by an old Turkish chap who was a former museum director and achaeologist who has a few stories to tell!!

should be here for a few days yet until i catch a slow boat for 2 days and cross the border to thailand heading for chang mai.

all is good with me - having a great time still. Weather is super although a little chillier than down south - i even had to wear a fleece last night and everything!!!

thats it for now.x



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