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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Vientienne and Van Vieng

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 3 January 2009 | Views [309]

Vientienne is a lovely laid back capital city along the Mekong River. Other than temples and visiting a golden stupa (which essentially represents laos sovereignty) there isnt much to do other than chill out by the river front or as i did - go for a back breaking Laos massage. What an experience that was!! I wasnt sure whether or not she was beating me up but the 'treatment' worked a treat and soothed all my back packer aches ...and some.

2 nights was enough in Vientienne not least because its far more expensive than the other places i have been to in southern laos. I soon set off on a 4/5 hour bus ride to Van Vieng through some gorgeous mountain scenery. Van Vieng was a last minute decision. I was a bit hesitant as i heard it was just full of 18/19 year olds getting totally hammered tubing down the river...not my cup of tea. That said, on day 2 after a few zip wires and swings i was doing much the same (except the totally in hammered bit ;-) along the river ...and had the most excellent time. It was all very good fun and now and then i felt a bit guilty wondering what the locals must think of the westerners crawling through their town in bikinis etc etc ...but the guilt was only momentary and soon forgotten as free cocktails were dished out

Today I went on a 25K bike ride around van vieng which was lovely. the town itself is on the river and surrounded by wonderful karst limestone mountains like in Halong Bay - just beautiful and i have to admit i appreciated just how blessed i am having the opportunity to see such wonderful places.

Tomorrow i get another bus to Luang Prabang and will probably stay there about 4 nights then head to Thailand before my visa runs out on the 14th. I may not be in touch for about 4/5 days so dont worry.

Ten 4.x



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