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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Forgive me for I have sinned.....

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 16 January 2009 | Views [236]

to my shame i committed the crime of all crimes. However let me explain. I was due to catch the slow boat to Thailand from Luang Prabang at 8am. Up till now the weather had been fantastic but this morning and unusually it was a cold frosty morning so I wasnt quite wearing the correct attire. There was a bit of a wait at the jetty before the boat set off and we all were sat there shivering in our shorts t-shirts sandals etc. I held out for just as long as I could but I was losing all feeling in my toes and fingers and then eventually gave into temptation. Luckily I had packed a pair of socks in my bag and then i did...with no shame i let myself and my country down ...I wore my socks .....wait for it .....WITH SANDALS!!! I know I know.....shoot me now....I can i ever return or redeem myself?

Luckily the weather perked up on day 2. The boat ride to Thailand is stunning but there isnt really a lot to do on the slow boat. People werent particularly sociable the first day I think because it was so cold but the second day as the weather warmed so did everyone else and it was nice meeting other travellers and playing cards along the way.

The border crossing to Thailand passed without any incident and now I am in Chang Mai which I have a good feeling about. There is an amazing night market here and the temples are pretty amazing (although I have now had my fair share of them). There are some good trekking opportunities here and I recall a friend from Hove who went travelling some 20 years ago saying he had a fantastic time here but I hear from other travellers that its quite commercial now so I wont rush into anything just yet

Unlike Vietnam I was sad to leave Laos where I had spent the best part of a month. Its a beautiful country but the people really made it for me and I look foward to my next visit there with some reservation as I cant help but feel that already it being tainted but the commercial reality of mass tourism.

Well thats it for now.




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