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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

The Great Wall

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 6 October 2008 | Views [242]

WOW - just about sums it up. I have to say I didnt quite anticpate that it was going to be so amazing (how good can a cruddy wall be?) but it is just awesome. It was a glorious hot day (a  bit to hot during mid walk) and I had to get up at 6.30 to take a 3 hour coach ride to the start of the walk at Jinshanling. Walked along the wall for 10K to Simatai which took about four hours. The scenery in the mountains was picturesque. Parts of the wall were reconstructed but much was in its orginal form. Thank goodness I packed my walking boots as I think they saved me from falling a few times - I knew the walk would be undulating but I didnt quite expect parts of it to be sooo steep and quite frankly dangerous. Great kick start to the keep fit however. I hooked up with the 2 girls I met last night and one struggled a bit at the start but the other then fell and lost her confidence. Used my first aid kit to adminster some savalon and then helped them along (had nothing to do with the fact that I am desperately unfit of course!). The only thing that marred the journey were the locals who walk along side you and offer information and a helping hand - all at a cost at the end of courseas they press you to buy their fans/postcards.  

The trip reminded me of a 24 hour challenge I did in the UK a few years back. Tough in parts but the sense of achievement is second to none and once again I was bowled over by peoples kindness in helping others who were struggling by giving them reassurance and support.

Saw all sorts of unusual creatures - gecko type lizards, giant wasps and huge centipedes (sp). Saw some grey thin birds with an orangey head/beak with the thin body and a very very long tail which at the end looked like it had a white tip - any ideas as to what it was bird nerds?

Toward the end of the walk we zip wired down to a boat that took us to the restaurant we were due to eat at. Felt like I was in a bond movie! Loved it.

Have just come  back from having a meal with my 2 travel companions - one said the other day she ordered duck and got a duck with its head and feet on the dish so we opted for pork dumplings noodles and rice. I also tried eel for the first time today (only a small bit) which was quite succulent - think it was covered in a black bean sauce but cldnt really tell!

Tomorrow, not sure what I will be doing. Probably T'men square and the Forbidden Palace assuming the weather holds (its may rain)

Finally, Cheers LH! Yes it has been a cracking start depsite the runs!Say hi to P and L for me and the lovely J of course.

Thats it for now folks



ps forgot to mention - that dodgy alley to my hostel - well it turns out its a "Hutong" - which is a protected alley - think it means its special!

pps - my folks wont believe it but I went to a Sikh temple in HK (forgot to mention it earlier). Normally I only go to temples for weddings/ocassions but for some reason I was drawn. I was made to feel very welcome and chatted for a while to a few folk - in Punjabi rather than Cantonese! Had had some langar (blessed food) after.



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