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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Arrived Safely in Beijing...

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 5 October 2008 | Views [258]

and have checked into a pretty decent Youth Hostel I have to say. I got them to come pick me up from the airport as I couldnt be doing with having to suss out the transport links. I know my mate (UPM) would have her head in her hands and say that its not real travelling but quite frankly I dont care. That said the guy that picked me up (holding the sign) looked about 5yrs old and the other driver looked like a bad guy out of an Indian Bollywood movie (not quite Guber Singh ie very very bad - just bad). My heart was racing when we got off the motorway and main road and went down some dodgy alley way which looked like an access to a building site - I thought my time might have been up but luckily we didnt go too far down it before I saw the sign for the hotel (phew)

Its called 9 Dragons and the staff are really friendly and helpful. I  have my own room with a shower kettle and wait for it ...little bottles of smellies - WOO HOOO!! Only for 3 days tho as I then hope to go into a dorm (so as to meet some other female travellers). I also made an executive decision whilst in HK to treat myself to at least one stay in a nice hotel in each country (so there morag!!)

That said, got chatting to 2 young girls (sisters) who have only just got here too and am going to go on a tour with them tomorrow of the Great Wall (a 10k trek). Am kind of hoping I can hang out with them for a bit for the company while I ease myself into travelling

Oh forgot to mention the loos at the airport. Used my first squat type loo on landing in Beijing (didnt see any in HK which are like english loos) - that said I didnt mind as I am used to them from my trips to India but did think that some of my friends wouldnt like them (my flat mate of some 8 years in Hove for starters (lets call her OFM - Oldest flat mate) as I am sure she may get a mention or too now and then. Oh and thank goodness for my research!! I had read in one of my travel guides to carry a diarrhoea tablet in my wallet as you never know when you might need it - I was nearly caught short at HK airport - thank the lord I have pharmacy friends who have given me the worlds supply for pills and potions! no need to elaborate - think you get the picture but you will be pleased to know I am ok now

Right time to go now and eat my...wait for it....pot noodles! I picked one up in HK ( they are delicious - nothing like you have in the UK) as I was worried I wouldnt find somewhere to eat when I got to Beijing (or undertand the menue) - good job as the 2 sisters said they ordered what they thought were noodles and got a ducks head!

Well thats if for now. As well as apologies for typos - also apols for bad grammar etc etc as just dont have time to look over stuff. Will try to edit as I go along

Ciao for now



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