So this is my 3rd full day and London and we have been going nonstop!
After the ten hour flight, which wasn't too bad...minus the fact that it was extremely cramped, we hopped on the underground and made our way to the stop closest to our flat. We were on the right track, lugging 70+ pound suitcases around the streets of Kensington when we asked for directions. Everyone seemed to give us different directions, all of which were wrong! It took us an hour and a half to find the flat, when we were no more than 2 blocks away the entire time. Fortunately, when reached the flat, we were on the top floor! Thats right, 95 stairs...we counted. We settled in, went on a walking tour of the area, went to dinner with my flatmate's parents, headed home, unpacked and went to sleep.
The next day we had orientation and then went out to a little bar around the corner called felt like a house party, but not too bad for the first night out. Oh! except for the 70 year old creepy man that kept dancing with the girls and guys in our program. But the bouncers told us not to worry...he likes to dance with girls, but when it comes down to it, he really likes boys! haha...ewww.
Yesterday, we had our internship orientation, where we got directions to our work, our interview time and what we have to wear to work. I interview on Tuesday at 3:00pm...which is very exciting and business casual is the dresscode. But it is way more casual than in the U.S. I could wear dark skinny jeans and some flats with a cute top and be fine. We then had our first class and met our two teachers, both of whom were very nice. After that, we ate dinner and got ready to go out to an Ice Bar. The whole thing is made out of ice! But...there were no reservations until 12:30 so we headed down to a club that supposedly had no cover for Americans, it was a lie. So, what would any logically person do? Go to Piccadilly Circus, of course! It is like New York's time square, a lot of bright lights and entertainment. We found a really cute restaurant/bar called Cocoon, but it was rather expensive so we left and found a club that let us in for free because we had 9 cute girls in the group. It was called Jewel and I met my favorite Brit so far, his name is Peter. He let us know that putting two fingers (like a peace sign) with your knuckles facing out means fuck off. Haha...weird. We left there and met up with some others, there was about 20 of us, trying to figure out a way home because the tube was closed for the night. We walked all around piccadilly circus, got on and off buses and finally made it home at 2:15 am. Again, we went straight to bed.
Its all been rather insane these first couple of days. But fun and new and crazy all at the same time.