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Frozen Toes What is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

The Time Draws Near

GREECE | Wednesday, 5 September 2007 | Views [561] | Comments [4]

Is there anything as anxious as starting on a trip?  Once you're off, that's alright, but the last moments are earthquake and convulsions, and the feeling that you are a snail being pulled off your rock.  (Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

This preparation is such a funny thing.  When I think of it on the surface, I tell myself, "What's the big deal?"  Grab your pack, a few clothes, those books that have been begging to be read for the past year (ok, maybe more than a year and no one talks about them anymore, but I've heard they're worth reading), don't forget your passport, and just GO!

Of course, I want to get in those last few hikes, my favorite bike rides, see my friends just one more time, oh yeah....learn how to upload photos, figure out how to do a blog, practice using my new camera, passively practice my French and stay hopeful that my junior high French class with Mrs. Goven will come flooding back to me when I need it most, and of course this is the perfect time to finish my kitchen remodel!

So, the small tremors continue and the snail in me prepares to let go of the rock!


Tags: The Planning Phase



WAY TO GO!!! Hope you have a great vacation. Yes, I could just tell you this on the phone, but writing is much better. Have a great time

  Jordan Sep 6, 2007 8:50 AM


I hope you have a great time! Could not view the photo in the gallery. Look forward to following your trip.

  Paul Sep 8, 2007 12:14 AM


Have a great trip, my happy traveler.
See you in my dreams.

  crosbythedog Sep 14, 2007 3:25 PM


How are things Lady? Greece sounds great. Fall is in the air in the 'Boat. Heavy frost the last mornings. Leaving for the Rim next. Keep having fun.

  Don Sep 21, 2007 6:46 AM

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