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So, What About Those Sunflowers?

USA | Saturday, 1 September 2007 | Views [508] | Comments [2]

     As I set up this whole new experience called "BLOGGING", one of the choices I have is which picture I want near the heading.  Sunflowers were the obvious choice because of my sweet sister Mona who died almost 4 years ago after battling alcoholism for the better part of her life.  Sunflowers give me a smile for Mona and when I'm visited by a butterfly (which always happens when I'm climbing), I always say "Hello"!  What great reminders of 'Monarelli'!

     I think of the 'cool Mona things' that have happened to me as well as what some of you have shared....Beth, Mom, Marge!, Mary.....thanks for passing on the stories!

     I also work to focus on the 'gifts' that came out of her life.  The things I have learned, the stories I have been able to pass on to students, and the smiles I get when I see reminders of her and remember the good things about her life. Her hilarious humor, her strength, her will, her beauty and her love are just a few of those wonderful memories. 

     Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts.  May the butterflies continue to follow me as I wander.

Tags: Family



Yes, I'm so glad you are left with lovely thoughts about your sister, rather than negative ones. Ofcourse you are tooooo positive a person to dwell on the negative of anything.

I loved our wonderful visit tonight!!
Hey, if you are still up, how about listing the wonderful goodies in your...dip called what???? haha!!! (Darn these senior moments) HUGS Amy

  Amy Colwell Sep 2, 2007 2:30 PM


Dear Lynn,
I can tell form meeting you and reading your blog that you are, truly, a person who loves life! You have such a positive outlook - that's wonderful. I am so very glad that you went on our trip to Madagascar (I would never have met you, otherwise). Please keep in touch!

  Mike Dec 19, 2007 5:45 AM

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