JAPAN | Wednesday, 24 November 2010 | Views [354] | Comments [1]
After taking the Irago - Toba ferry and arriving in Toba it was getting dark so I made my way to what was marked as a campsite but ended up being a refuge for snotty Tokyo pensioners. Although they had a camp site I wasn't allowed to use it because "it's a security risk" they never expanded on quite what the security risk was so I blasted off in a huff back down the hill that I'd just cycled up and headed for the first green space i could find. Whilst scouring around for a suitable low key place to hide out some homeless chap said hello. If appearances can be deceiving then this was a shining example as he turned out to be the park warden and found a spot for me to pitch. There was a supermarket very near too so I had a good meal on top of the climbing frame pictured before hitting the hay.