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Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh By Bicycle An autobiographical and reflective account of traveling from Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh on a bicycle.

Photos: Suzhou

CHINA | Monday, 20 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

Photos from my three day stay in the beautiful Suzhou
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Photos: Shanghai to Suzhou

CHINA | Monday, 20 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

Photos from the first leg of the journey to Suzhou
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Photos: Shanghai

CHINA | Monday, 20 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

A few photos I took whilst staying for a week in Shanghai. I now wish I'd taken more.
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CHINA | Monday, 20 Dec 2010 | Views [807] | Comments [3]

Arriving in Shanghai was nothing less than a baptism of fire. As soon as we were through customs I was on my own again. I felt completely vulnerable and didn’t really have any idea of which direction to go in apart from The Bund. I’d booked the ... Read more >

Tags: duck fight goose, le tour hostel, lune bar, map, massage, panniers, rainbow danger club, shanghai, standing dog

The Xin Jian Zhen from Osaka to Shanghai

JAPAN | Wednesday, 8 Dec 2010 | Views [1772] | Comments [3]

Osaka proved to be the perfect place to relax and collect my thoughts before arriving in China. To say that I was nervous about landing, finding the hotel and learning how to get around would be a understatement. Whilst lying in my cosy hotel bed and ... Read more >

Tags: boat, china, cycle touring, ferry, japan, osaka, shanghai, ship, xin jian zhen

Tokyo to Osaka - The Journey

JAPAN | Tuesday, 30 Nov 2010 | Views [2065] | Comments [3]

Day One After a week in Tokyo making final arrangements and going through all my equipment I decided it was about time to hit the road. I'd had a great time and hung out with all my all friends again. Saying goodbye to Nana, my girlfriend who had been ... Read more >

Tags: boat, cycle tour, irago, japan, lake hamana, mikawa bay, mt fuji, osaka, shizuoka, toba

Photos: 19th-21st Nov - Osaka to Shanghai

CHINA | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Photos taken on the boat journey between Osaka and Shanghai
See all 28 photos >>

Photos: 14th-18th Nov - Tokyo to Osaka

JAPAN | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Photos taken on the journey from Tokyo to Osaka
See all 29 photos >>

The Introduction

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Nov 2010 | Views [567]

We all throughout our lives have a long list of things we'd like to do and choices to make. Whether we actually get around to doing those things or make the right choices is another thing all together. I know that one thing for sure is that I've had ... Read more >

Tags: cycle tour, estate agent, kichijoji, london, majorca, real estate, shimano alfine, thorn bicycle, tokyo, touring

About luke_collings

A random shot of me in Majorca with my lightweight tourer before flying back to Tokyo.

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