So Siem Reap is the craziest place for tuk tuk drivers. Got absolutely swamped when we got off the bus. Got a lift to our guesthouse (quite nice, mattress on the floor again though) and then an offer to go to the sunset over Angkor and maybe a 3 day taxi. Never got to see the sunset- stopped not even before the end of town because we wouldn't commit to 3 days. Very frustrating. Maybe the full story will sound better. After some retail therapy and a massage by the blind, we felt a little more collected.
Everywhere we walk or ride our bikes, in the city or at the temples we get harassed for tuk tuks and motos and food and drink. "No thank you" is the standard reply to "miss" "lady" "cheap cheap for you" "i do discount" "pinappplllllle" "you eat here".
Our first day at Angkor was kind of mind blowing. Didn't actually get to the most famous temples of Bayon and Angkor itself, but rode our bikes to the smaller, more distant ones. I think it was about 26km all up. (A much better biking experinc than Vang Vieng).
The temples are quite amazing, though I felt quite numb at the end of the day. Perhaps the sunrise at Angkor tomorrow will reveal something new.