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Adventures in Flying by the Seat of my Pants Conquering Aotearoa One Day at a Time

The End is Nigh

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 28 May 2011 | Views [478]

So I just realized it's been almost a million years since I've written anything. Last time I sat down to type out a post I was WWOOFing at a backpackers in Franz Josef trying to figure out where all my money went and how I could possibly generate more.... Read more >

Photos: Franz Josef

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Haast

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Wanaka

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Milford Sound

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Queenstown

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Catlins

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Dunedin

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Otago Penninsula

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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To the Glaciers!

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 29 Apr 2011 | Views [463]

Well, my visit to Stewart Island was a bit of a bust; it was cold, rainy and grey and barely anyone left the hostel. Several movies were viewed and books read, and only a bit of walking done. The hostel only had a bed available for two nights, so really ... Read more >

Life in the Roaring 40's

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011 | Views [629]

So the South Island has been a weather roller coaster; my arrival in Dunedin was a greeting of gloomy grey skies, unpredictable rain showers and chilling winds. Felt a bit like begin back in Chicago except for all the Edwardian architecture and mercilessly ... Read more >

Photos: Wellington

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 6 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Hastings

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 6 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Well... I never really got into Hastings very often, but the vineyard I stayed on was quite beautiful.
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North Island highlights

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 28 Mar 2011 | Views [469]

Well, I've been in New Zealand for about a month and a half now and I'm sitting in Wellington's 'Wild at Heart' airport waiting for my flight to Dunedin. Winter may be approaching, but I'm ready to take this adventure to the South Island. As I look ... Read more >

Photos: Waitomo and other Touristy spots

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Waikato Region

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

This includes Hamilton, Raglan and Ngaruawhia
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Leaving Roto Vegas

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011 | Views [386]

Okeh, so yesterday I was really frustrated; I felt like I was visiting a place that was so geared towards nothing but tourism, is aptly compared to Las Vegas and there isn't much opportunity to do anything authentic without driving miles and miles ... Read more >

What happens in Roto Vegas stays here

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 22 Mar 2011 | Views [452]

So I've made a mid-year resolution: I am giving up all tourist attractions and tourist traps. When I went to Waitomo Cave, I felt that that yes, it's beautiful, but very expensive, contrived and the experience is limited. It's all geared towards the ... Read more >

Photos: Northland

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 17 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Once more with feeling

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 14 Mar 2011 | Views [416]

Okeh, so my last update was a bit hectic and to be honest, I have no idea what I wrote. I could go back and read it, but frankly, I'm lazy and it would be much easier to do one big update, even if it means repeating myself a little bit. So... I arrived ... Read more >

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