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only 10 more days to go!! going backwards from track and field day!!

USA | Tuesday, 5 August 2008 | Views [601] | Comments [5]

my oh my i haven't been on the computer for quite some time!!

I suppose I will go backwards again! So, today was one of camp's biggest events of the summer, track and field day!! It had been postponed 2 times already due to the inclement weather, but today was a ripper day with the sun shining just about all day aside from the little bit of cloud cover!!

We started nice and early at 6am finishing up all the last bits of the games and activities in our respective areas. I was assigned to the area known as the horseshoe (funnily enough it's somewhat of a horse shoe shape!!). Anyway the theme of the day was greek gods, each area was given one or two gods to base their activities on. My group's gods were Athena (god or warrior of wisdom) and Dionysus (god of drinking and parties!!), we had a small maze, an obstacle course, a few relay type games, a pin the tail on the donkey type game and a few others!! It turned out to be a good day, but it was nice to be finished (I shall put photos up soon!!). However the day was not quite finished!!! After dinner and free play, we had evening activities which were a few fun races and some dancing and the closing ceremony. The races involved a relay with the specialist staff, athletics staff, adventure staff and waterfront staff - waterfront are usually tipped to win because they take it waaaay to seriously - but after never having won the relay before the specialist took out both the male and female races!!!! yeah us!!! the guys won by heaps (and these are the guys who do computers and video arts against the waterfront/adventure/athletics staff...lol) but the girls race was a bit closer. I ran first and we had really good baton changes, but it was still a close finish!!

After the fun races the awards were announced and then we moved down to the waterfront area for the closing ceremony!!! This involved the lighting of the 'olympic' torch and 'olympic' flame (oh funny story --> as they're lighting the torch, they announce that they're going to light the 'olympic' flame and one boy yells out 'No!', this boy is from a bunk where they have a few catch phrases and saying 'no' to certain things is one of them, this bunk also overuses 'dinner', 'enough', 'don vito' and 'sideburns', i'm not too sure of their origin but anyway..lol

anyway time is about to run out but i shall continue this later!!

hope everyone is well

love loz :) xoxo



well little lauren, it's nice to hear from you (finally) and catch up on all your exploits! the time is flying now and you'll soon be back - so make the most of it, enjoy yourself, have masses of fun - but keep yourself nice! love from your favourite auntie (lol) kellie xxx

  Kellie Aug 5, 2008 3:09 PM


Well hello, hello you gorjus girl,<br>I nearly turned the computer off before going to bed but thought no I'll just check to see if Lauren Lizzie has done any catching up and to my surprise there you are to brighten up the end of a very big day. Will fill you in next phone call. It sounds like your day was humungous but a lot of fun, can't wait to see the photos. Well done on your part in the relay, I can picture you putting your all into it. <br>Dionysus could be your coming home party theme, haha!! Oh I do have to go to bed, head pounding, back not good and tomorrow is another day of dirty nappies, do I really want to do this. Of course I do :-? Take care lovey talk soon Luv mumsy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxo xooxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  Mumsy Aug 5, 2008 11:49 PM


Hi! Sounds like so much fun. I can't believe it is nearly over. just letting you know, that although i didn't comment on all of your blog thingy's - i did read them! Can't wait to catch up when you get back.
xx Stay Safe.

  stace Aug 6, 2008 6:42 PM


im not seeing wilbur in any photos!!! i hope he also is having a smashing time. olympics days souinds fun, though not quite so crazy as genkai sports day..that was just insanity at its most insane!! cant wait to see you & wilbur, keep enjoying it all though..

  Bel Aug 7, 2008 9:30 AM


Hi Lauren its mandy, jessicas mum. Had a lovely time reading all your blogs and checking out your photos. Sounds and looks like you are having a ball. Spoke to Jess on wednesday they are still enjoying work in scotland. They are about to have 5 days off to see scotland with mel who arrives on sept 10th. It will be the last trip with amy who then leaves straight after to come home via denmark to see her sister.
Steve is about to leave for america also,for work. Are you in NYC or NYS? steve is going to Buffalo in NYS he arrives there sept 15th and leaves Sept 20th so he could be close, how weird is that!!!!!
Anyway, keep having a ball and writing on the blog so we can follow your adventures. Also, could you send some sunshine to us as we are tired of miserable, cold weather.
Lots of love mandy, steve, luke and bec.xxxxxxoooooooo

  mandy hetherington Aug 31, 2008 1:13 PM

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