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Lisa's Adventures London to Home Hi All, Well it is time I moved on. I am heading home in July but so you can read about my adventures I have set this site up. Please read, enjoy and drop me a line sometime. See you all soon. Love Lisa xx


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "On the Road".

Cambodia - on the up

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [469]

Hi All, Well since I last wrote I have arrived into a new country, Cambodia. Even though it is so close to vietnam it is very different, or as the saying goes same same but different. So whats been happening in the past week, here is a quick run down:... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

The end of the Trans-siberian

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Views [634] | Comments [1]

Well it is wednesday and I have officially ended my tour of the trans-siberian railway. I completed the 7800 km odd journey over 23 days visiting 6 places along the way. You would think that I would have had enough of long train journeys. Nahh I have ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Rain, Rain, go away

GERMANY | Sunday, 29 Jul 2007 | Views [404] | Comments [1]

Well it is day 2 and the rain is following me. Here in cologne it has pretty much rained all day. To make matters worse all shops here in germany do not open on a sunday. I even saw a mc donalds closed. So after a late start and a walk around I have ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

I'm on my way

GERMANY | Saturday, 28 Jul 2007 | Views [344]

Well the day has finally arrived and I am on my way home to oz. After a very restless night sleep, I was up early to catch my ever reliable 341 bus to waterloo. No problems (I will miss london transport). Got to waterloo in plenty of time, checked ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Goodbye London

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 28 Jul 2007 | Views [378]

Well it is friday night 10pm and my room is all packed, boxes sent, bags packed. Who would have thought 4 years would have passed so quickly. After a frantic week of saying goodbye to those left here in london, doing last minute sight seeing and cleaning ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

The Luck of the Irish

IRELAND | Friday, 20 Apr 2007 | Views [619]

Well the main part of the holiday with mum was a road trip around ireland. After picking up our car at the airport we ventured to Kilarney castle for a lovely tour. Then onto wexford. After stalling what felt like hundreds of times, and driving around ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Half Term in New York

USA | Friday, 23 Feb 2007 | Views [421] | Comments [1]

Well I have just spent a fabulous week in the states, mainly in New York. For the first few days I played real tourist doing the big bus ride around the city. We were able to pass or the highlights Central Park, World Trade site, Brooklyn, Times Square, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

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