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coast 2 coast world - here we come.

jail time in la paz

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 18 Oct 2008 | Views [907] | Comments [2]

ignoring the australian embassy advice to avoid boliva due to ºongoing political crisisº - i´m sorry but they warn people to stay away from argentina because of rouge taxi drivers, sometimes you have to go with your gut - we headed off and made friends ... Read more >

floating civilisations of lake titicaca

PERU | Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Views [596] | Comments [1]

lake is hardly a word Kim and I used to describe Lake Titicaca at all while we were on it, we felt as is we were out in the middle of the ocean, as all we could see was the point where water meets horizon. there was something magical about this place, ... Read more >

the lost city of the incas

PERU | Wednesday, 15 Oct 2008 | Views [548]

as we didn't attempt to book our inca trail trip until 3 months ago, we weren't able to take the traditional route, as this is peak season and people book 6+ months ahead. We did however find an alternative, Salkantay Trek. Roughly 66km climbing up to ... Read more >

monkeys, toucans, cats and macaws

PANAMA | Saturday, 30 Aug 2008 | Views [1337]

we stank when we arrived in Panama, like wee, and we are still telling ourselves it is dog wee and not human. While filling out forms at the border we put our bags down, and it must have been in a puddle. gross. Every bus we then got on we got some ... Read more >

coasting though costa rica

COSTA RICA | Saturday, 30 Aug 2008 | Views [730]

it took a good two hours to cross into costa rica and when we finally made it into immigration we were pretty annoyed to find one lady sitting there stamping passports, especially considering the line was basically winding twice around the building! ... Read more >

chicken buses and beaches in nicaragua

NICARAGUA | Saturday, 23 Aug 2008 | Views [449]

we left Utila with 4 others, Hannah and Jack from our diving course and Monique and Doug who we had met at the bus station on our way to the island. It was two days of bus trips and a night in Tegucigalpa, the dodgy capital of Hondurus, and we eventually, ... Read more >

diver dan

HONDURAS | Friday, 22 Aug 2008 | Views [736] | Comments [1]

it was a 4am departure from Antigua, followed by a very cramped 6 hour ride in a mini van. Central Americans have no sense of personal space, and just when you think they can’t possible fit another person in a mini van, on a bus, in a taxi, they do. Kim ... Read more >

red hot lava and not so red hot spanish

GUATEMALA | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [789]

after bidding farewell to Pete and Bec in El Remate we jumped on a bus and headed off to Spanish school in Antigua. We passed through Guatemala City early in the morning and were relived to be heading directly to Antigua, as it looked a fairly ... Read more >

jungle treks, monkeys and the mozzie dance

GUATEMALA | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [613] | Comments [1]

We crossed into Guatemala by boat, a skinny long tail similar to those they fish from in Thailand. It was a rocky but dry trip. We were allowed out of Mexico with no drama and also let into Guatemala easily, their immigration office a shed in the middle ... Read more >

on the road again . . .

MEXICO | Friday, 11 Jul 2008 | Views [441]

after living it up and relaxing in style in Puerto Escondido it was time to get back to basics and begin our backpacking adventures again. Goodbye maids, pool and home style cooking. We kicked it off with our favourite budget style option, an overnight ... Read more >

living the life in mexico - and 50 cent coronas.

MEXICO | Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [840] | Comments [1]

I had always said Mexico was going to be my `holy shit' moment. The place we would realise exactly what we were letting ourselves in for over the next 7 months. Considering we nearly died while landing at Mexico City Airport, I wasn't far off the mark, ... Read more >

rainy spain

SPAIN | Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [494] | Comments [2]

spain has been fairly quiet - as bad weather and drying up funds have seen us lay pretty low, catching up on reading and enjoying a few red wines and some spanish tapas. We did take in a exhibition, Egypt´s Sunken Treasures, which consists of a huge ... Read more >

snails and eiffel tower in pariee

FRANCE | Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [688]

feeling the need to relax we headed to a supermarket on our first day in Paris and grabbed the essentials for any picnic - a french stick, dip, cheese, bottle of red wine (cheaper than cordial) and some salami. We packed the bottle opener, the plastic ... Read more >

amsterdam - coffee shops and window shopping

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [1125]

we both had great expectations for Amsterdam and it must be said these were only exceeded. We arrived and after asking for directions discovered we were staying in the heart of the red light district - whopps. We found our way to our 18-bed room - our ... Read more >

the lights of london

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [419]

and so our europe visit began with a 12 hour flight, which thankfully was not as horrid as we imagined it would be. We arrived at 6am in the morning to 6´C. We had said we wanted to stop sweating, but this was a little extreme! We met our host Max, ... Read more >

full moon in paradise

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [491] | Comments [3]

after a week we both said would be hard to beat we headed south for some partying by the water with anna and katie. it was a loooong trip, which involved 20 hours on trains and a day spent in a shopping centre purely for the air con factor, but we arrived ... Read more >

water water everywhere

THAILAND | Sunday, 13 Apr 2008 | Views [614]

the people of thailand have got it sorted. new years eve party? no way  - party for the entire week and throw water all over anyone and everyone - yes please. by some stroke of genius, but certainly not ours, we happened to arrive in chaing mai at the ... Read more >

Gallery: thailand

THAILAND | Sunday, 13 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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king of the jungle

THAILAND | Thursday, 10 Apr 2008 | Views [670] | Comments [2]

after a horrid night bus (never again) we arrived in chang mai on daylight - very hazy due to farmers burning off their rice fields in preperation for planting next season. we disembarked and were put into the back of utes, herded like cattle actually ... Read more >

hot hot hot & randy zoo animals in bangkok

THAILAND | Monday, 7 Apr 2008 | Views [795] | Comments [6]

and so our adventure has begun, albeit off to a very rocky start with kim over indulging at his farewell drinks and not making it home until 3am. credit to him, no complaints on the 16 hour day of travel that followed, but he did go soft by not taking ... Read more >

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