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Due South (and a little West)

Sydney and the skies above...

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Views [717] | Comments [1]

Our flight arrived in Sydney on Sunday lunchtime, so after arriving at our hostel we headed down to Darling Harbour to find some lunch, before trawling around a selection of mountain stores in an attempt to try and find the last of our requirements for South ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Good Neighbours... And Even Better Tennis...!!!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 27 Jan 2008 | Views [410]

Arriving in Melbourne I (as always... I need to pick my timing better!!) faced a rush hour struggle, with a tram, an increasingly huge rucksack and alot of commuters!!! Fun!!! Not to mention an awkward battle up a hill on disembarking the tram to get ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

The Great Ocean Road - less sun and surf, more North East England on a bad day!!!

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 22 Jan 2008 | Views [705]

Our tour was meant to depart at 7am from the hostel... at about 7:15am, there was a phonecall to say it had been delayed for "at least 45 minutes"... unfortunately by this point it was too late to spend that time sleeping (:-() so instead ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

South Australia: The Road Less Travelled...

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 19 Jan 2008 | Views [771] | Video

In all my discussions with other backpackers since I've been out here, I'm yet to meet someone who has stayed in Adelaide more than 2days - it appears that most people just use it as a stop-off point between the Great Ocean Road and Uluru / Perth..... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Bush Camping in the Outback (Seriously!!!)

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 Jan 2008 | Views [1653] | Video

So, Thursday I arrived in Alice Springs... and the second I stepped off the plane, and felt my skin burning under 45degree heat (at 5pm!!!) I regretted it!!! Man... it was hot, and sandy, and my bag had managed to get soooo much heavier during my stay ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: West Coast

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 37 photos >>

More Diving... More Penguins... More (Almost) Getting Lost...!!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Jan 2008 | Views [581] | Comments [2]

I spent my second to last day in Perth back on Rottnest Island (home to our cycling exploits of Boxing day). Luckily, this time it wasn't 44degrees!!! I went out on a dive boat for the day. The divemaster buddyed me up with a really nice Irish girl ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Shy Dolphins And Very Cute Penguins!!!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 7 Jan 2008 | Views [1457] | Comments [5]

Well, after New Year I embarked on a fly-by trip down the West Coast, South of Perth - this time only covering 1000km - so much milder than my exploits before Xmas! Headed off towards Margaret River - a wine making region but for once not the focus ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

New Year With Memory-Inhibited Turtles and Razor-Toothed Sharks!!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 2 Jan 2008 | Views [698]

This was my first New Year out of the UK... and the first New Year in well over 10 years spent doing family things!!! I've never been a big fan of New Year at the best of times - too many over anticipated nights and too much over planning!!! Therefore, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Shark Dive

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 27 photos >>

Wine, Chocolate and a few Freaks... (another) day of indulgence!!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 Dec 2007 | Views [494] | Comments [1]

As it was Emma's last day in Perth yesterday (she's off to Sydney and up the East coast before our paths cross again in Melbourne in a couple of weeks) - we decided it had to be a day of pure Western Australian indulgence (and thought we'd work on ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Xmas Day - Australian Style!!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 26 Dec 2007 | Views [553]

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It's been a crazy one here!!! Emma arrived from New Zealand on Sunday night, so Christmas Eve we went into Fremantle (a kind of funky, young area with lots of cool shops, restaurants and bars!!!) - for some last minute Xmas shopping ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Emus, Kangaroos and Goats... A Wildlife Suicide Mission!!!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 | Views [560]

The road trip back to Perth was taken pretty slowly, primarily to allow us to experience many of the amazing national parks and small coastal towns on the way, but also due to the roads... The roads were pretty monotonous - hour after hour of single ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Sharks and Stingrays... A Welcome to Australia!!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 20 Dec 2007 | Views [700] | Comments [1]

I arrived into Perth on Sunday morning... and frankly, was a little disapointed!!! It was warm, but grey, and even threatening rain!!! Not quite England... but still - not what I anticipated of Xmas in Australia!!! Monday morning (not solely due to ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Gallery: Japan 2007

JAPAN | Sunday, 16 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

Tokyo, Kamakura, Kyoto, Hakone and Fuji San... and even more Tokyo!!!
See all 185 photos >>

Shinjuku... not your average `night doon the toon`!!!

JAPAN | Saturday, 15 Dec 2007 | Views [1325]

So the place i`m staying in Tokyo this time round is SOOO random!!! Kind of a cross between a hostel and a capsule hotel (where everyone piles into little cubbyhole type compartments 4footx4footx8foot - all lined up side by side and on top of each other ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Kyoto - more than just dodgy back street restaurants!!!

JAPAN | Thursday, 13 Dec 2007 | Views [542]

So, I was a little apprehensive about Kyoto based on two things a) its the third largest city in Japan and honestly, Tokyo (number 1!!!) terrified me initially!!! b) when I arrived at the hostel, they handed me a "backpackers map of Kyoto"... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

CAUTION: Japanese hiking trails - not suitable for grannies with pushchairs...

JAPAN | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2007 | Views [1480] | Comments [2]

So last night ventured into Roppongi (kind of a mad bar / club area - a bit like the bigg market but without the fighting!!!) with a guy from Belgium i`d met earlier in the day... It was quite a good crack, although possibly not traditional Japanese ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Wiser and Braver - the key to navigation and eating!!!

JAPAN | Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Views [700] | Comments [1]

Haha... im obviously seriously bored if im updating this thing again!!! Or Japanese tv just aint that appealing!!! (I appologise in advance for the lack of punctuation - this keyboard is absolutely screwed, and having spent forever last night just working ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

Lost in Translation - Tokyo!!!

JAPAN | Sunday, 9 Dec 2007 | Views [524]

Well, predictably my flight was delayed (apparently they can`t cope with the weather in London in December - when it rains?!) As my new travelling attitude is carefree (!!!) I didn`t flinch, but spent a decent journey next to a couple intent on having ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

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