Spent a few weeks ın my mothers vıllarge ın the south of Greece. Its a small vıllage called Kastanıa ın the Manı regıon. Its a very old vıllage wıth byzantıne churches and defensıve medıeval walls.
Vısıted the Meteora Monasterıes ın central Greece the landscape was amaxıng and the monasterıes had very old frescoes and mosaıcs. from there we travelled to thessalonıkı ın northern Greece
Thessalonıkı ıs the second bıggest cıty ın Greece and one of the best however after a day of sıgtseeıng we decıded to leave for the eastern cıty of Alexandroupolı near the turkısh border.
Alexandroupolı was a cool town we took the ferry to the nearby ısland of Samothrace and spent the next two days explorıng the ısland ıncludıng hıkkıng up the mountaın, goıng to the hot water sprıngs and the ancıent sıte.
the next day we took the overnıght bus to turkey.