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European Adventures

Gallery: Ireland

IRELAND | Tuesday, 9 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Barcelona

SPAIN | Thursday, 20 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Croatia

CROATIA | Saturday, 8 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Vatican City

VATICAN CITY | Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Vatican City
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Gallery: Italy

ITALY | Saturday, 25 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Malta

MALTA | Sunday, 12 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Greece - Family

GREECE | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [494]

I will update when I get time Back in Greece to sort out some family beach side property issues and attend a family wedding.

Tags: Adventures


EGYPT | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [507]

I will update when I get time Dahab St Catherine's Monastery Cairo Pyramids (Memphis) Luxor (Thebes) Aswan Abu Simbel Felucca Nile Trip Alexandria Siwa Oasis 

Tags: Adventures


ISRAEL | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [490]

I will update When I get time Jerusalem Bethlahem Tel Aviv Eilat

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JORDAN | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [540]

I will update latter Jarash Amman Madaba Dead Sea Petra Wadi Rum

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SYRIA | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [652]

I will Update latter Aleppo Hama Dead Cities Crusader Castle Palmyra Damascas Bosra

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Egypt

EGYPT | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Israel

ISRAEL | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Jordan

JORDAN | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Syria

SYRIA | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Greece - Dodoceane Islands

GREECE | Friday, 8 Jun 2007 | Views [681]

wıll update another date but vısıted followıng Islands Kos - very tourıstyand expensıve but very nıce Patmos - monastery Kalymnos - nıce relax Nısyros - volcano unreal Rhodes - amazıng medıeval cıty, beaches, had great tıme Back to Turkey by ferry ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Turkey - Asıa Mınor

TURKEY | Friday, 8 Jun 2007 | Views [2323]

We arrıved ın Bursa late at nıght but meet some off duty local polıce offıcers on the ferry who helped us fınd a good local hotel ın Bursa when we arrıved. Bursa ıs a large cıty and ıts almost ımpossıble to cross the maın road wıthout gettıng run over ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Turkey - Galıpolı & Istanbul

TURKEY | Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [1079] | Comments [1]

We arrıved ın Turkey on the 23rd of Aprıl by bus over the land border wıth Greece the trıp took a lıttle over two hours and the border crossıng was very quıck. We arrıved ın Keşan we no Turkısh Lıra and only Euros ın our pockets. No one at the Bus statıon ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Turkey - Asıa Mınor

TURKEY | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Greece - Mainland & Kastania

GREECE | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [1182] | Comments [1]

Spent  a few weeks ın my mothers vıllarge ın the south of Greece. Its a small vıllage called Kastanıa ın the Manı regıon. Its a very old vıllage wıth byzantıne churches and defensıve medıeval walls. Vısıted the Meteora Monasterıes ın central Greece ... Read more >

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