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Travelling Soul

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

New Zealand | Wednesday, July 3, 2013 | 5 photos

My soul: A place I’ve known but never been.

Born in London. Italian heritage. Kiwi parents. Aussie upbringing. I always felt like I didn’t belong. Becoming a counsellor, I dedicated my life to helping others, yet a piece of me was still missing. Taking what can only be described as a leap of faith, I moved to New Zealand to pursue an outdoor career. I found my soul in a country I never expected to call home.

I have always seen the world slightly differently, in a way words cannot adequately explain. Photography is a way to contribute to the greater community simple beauty, without needing to speak.

Photography has given me a voice, more eloquent than the words I hold inside. I am an amateur yet I believe that while technique can always be studied, passion only comes from within. By working with Jason, I would aspire to learn how to be even more expressive in my work and therefore more successful in my purpose. I aim to transport beauty to as many people as possible, so that they too can experience something that touches their soul.

As a child of the world, I now find myself returning to a place I have never visited, but call home.

Aotearoa, ko wairua: New Zealand, my soul.

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