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My Treasure Box My tresure box is full of friends who were once strangers, unexpected beauty upon the path and those who travel with me in the suitcase of my heart. These treasures have brought more meaning and beauty into this wonderful life God has given me.

Mountain Climbing to Square Dancing

USA | Sunday, 7 September 2008 | Views [440] | Comments [5]

I arrived in Seattle, Washington this past Wednesday and was greeted at the airport by Chuck and Janet, friends of the WWOOF hosts that I would soon be meeting.  We then met Sandy and Larry at a new tree farm they had just bought and the current property owners gave us a 5 1/2 hour hiking tour of their 105 acres, including a hike up the mountain.

After dinner and a scenic drive to their home in Nahcotta, Washington, I met Christina who is another Wwoofer from San Francisco, California who I will be living with for the next several weeks. 

Thursday was my first full day here and it started with a bike ride to the grocery after breakfast, followed by visiting Sandy's sister and her goats, and then a drive to Sandy's friend Fred's farm where we would spend the afternoon working on his greenhouse.  Fred was a successful restaurant owner and chef who got burned out and sold his business a couple of years ago and bought this farm on 70 beautiful acres with fields, forest, mountains, and a salmon creek complete with a redneck hot tub alongside of it.  Fred cooked us an AMAZING lunch and gave us an inspiring tour of his property from the bed of his truck.  As we approached a field we saw a herd of elks grazing there, we drove up real close to them and watched them jump a fence and disappear into the forest together. 

After Fred's we went to Illwaco for an art walk.  We returned home around 7 and I quickly did some school work before the dinner bell rang and we went over to Sandy and Larry's for a candlelight dinner from the garden, some tuna that their neighbors had caught bread from Fred, and wine from another friend.  After dinner Larry gave Christina and I massages!

Friday was another wonderful day, as we biked 10 miles each way to another neighbors to work on a cob wall inside his green house. 

Today (Saturday) we had blueberry waffles for breakfast, made with eggs from the chickens, berries from the garden, and milk from the goats.  Christina and I then hiked Leadbetter Point and she shared some amazing stories with me from her travels, as she has lived in several different countries teaching English.

After hiking we had elk stew and homemade wine along with some other treats from the garden and then we headed to Astoria, Oregon for a sunset and square dance with Sandy and her visiting friends from Seattle!!



Katie! Thanks for sharing all your great experiences! Love hearing about it... and you're pics were cracking me up especially the one with berry cobbler baking from the sun's heat, and the one with the goat cuddling with you, and finally the one with the goat and cow together! It looks super beautiful out there! Hope you're finding so much peace and joy in the beautiful creations Jesus made! Love you girl

  urska Sep 12, 2008 3:07 AM


Oh my gosh.. this sounds like an amazing journey you're starting!!
I miss you tons and can't wait to hear about what God is teaching you while you're there!

  Makella Sep 12, 2008 4:16 AM


Katie, I am so excited for you! What an amazing adventure the Lord has you on. : ) Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I love you and I miss you dearly, and I'm a little jeleaous of your new roommate!

I'm prayin for you!
Blessings Darlin,
Paige : )

  Paige Sep 12, 2008 10:11 AM


oh my dear katie...it seems like you are having such a wonderful time, I know you are learning so much about God and his green earth! The pictures looked amazing, wow, is all I can say. Take a lot for me! We all miss you so much around here in Athens, and can't wait to hear about all you adventures in person. Until then....enjoy this wonderful experience!!


  steph Sep 14, 2008 2:30 AM


Hi Katie! Wow! I love that your trust in farmin' folks has brought so many beautiful scenes, biking escapades, interesting new tasks & people to love & learn from. I wonder, do you feel really alive right now? Thanks so much for sharing the pics & your stories!

  Kayte Sep 23, 2008 7:58 AM



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