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Angels Everywhere (The Gift of Trust)

FRANCE | Sunday, 17 June 2012 | Views [759] | Comments [3]

The most important lesson that I have learned over the course of my travels is that the Universe loves me unconditionally. I am blessed to have known this for quite some time, but never has it been so ingrained and so clearly demonstrated as during this time abroad. Every single day I walked the Camino I had only to ask for what I needed and I was given exactly that almost immediately. From the little things, such as clothes pins or the sight of a marker during times of doubt that I was on the right path, to big things, like affordable shelter or safe companions, I am ever provided for by Spirit. Take for instance, my arrival in Zafra, day 7 of the Camino.

This is when my tendonitis was at its height. My ankles were red, angry and inflamed. The rain had poured down off and on all day. And because I had had to walk so slowly that day, there were no beds left at the only albergue in the city. I was not a happy camper. Sad, thinking that I would have to be separated from my companions, and in a lot of pain, all I wanted was a hot shower and a bed. Out of nowhere appears Paco. It's raining, but cheery Paco doesn't seem to mind. He walks right up to me and says in broken English, "I am your friend in Zafra. My name is Paco. What can I do for you?" Out of this world uncanny, right? So, Bea explains in Spanish that I need a hostel because the albergue is full, does he know where there is one close by? Of course he does! In fact, he'll walk us there! He takes me right to the door, tells me to have a good night and when I turn to thank him, he's gone. Poof! It gives me goosebumps just retelling the story. A heaven sent angel if ever there was one...

Another great example of the Universe conspiring on my behalf: my arrival in Paris.

Remember when I told you all that I had to make arrangements for my first night in Paris, that I was going to book a hostel? Well, I did. For the 13th of June. My arrival date, though, was the 11th. How does something like this happen? Who knows...bad oversight on my part. At any rate, I left the airport at 9 at night, caught the bus to Goussainville, and went to the Comfort Hotel there only to be told that there was no room for me. For that matter, there were no rooms in the entire area...I would have to take the train into downtown Paris. So, I cancel my reservation for the 13th (won't be needing that now will I?), take a deep breath, and walk to the train station 10 minutes up the (deserted) road. I felt surprisingly calm. Considering I'm not much of a city girl, don't speak French and that it was getting late, I found myself noticing how calm I was. I had an even heart rate, wasn't sweating, didn't demonstrate any signs of anxiety...and when I really sat with it I realized it was all because I was fully aware that this was just one more test of my faith and trust in the Universe, which, as I mentioned, I have fully down pat.I give generous credit to the Camino for this, I am not so sure I would have been as accepting of this situation had I not been fresh from the trail.

So, I board the train into the city and ask the Universe to please lead me directly to a place that I can afford, near an internet cafe so I can let my family know I'm safe, with a concierge that speaks some English. (Rule number one when speaking with Spirit, know exactly what you want or need.) On the train I show a man the approximate area where my apartment is (which was booked for the 12th) and ask him which train station I should get off at. Knowing the Bastille region will be expensive, I am relieved when he suggests a stop just prior to that region of the city. The train station is huge and there are many exits to many streets. I have no idea where the heck I am, so I go with my gut. I leave the station and intuitively turn left. Within two blocks I see a sign for an internet cafe pointing to the left, so, because it was one of the things I asked for, I go left. There are two hotels directly in front of me. One looks very expensive, I head for the other. It is now 10:30 at night, dark, and I am exhausted. I open the door and ask, "Parlez vous anglais?" The man replies "Yes" and I just know I've got a bed for the night. I ask him if he does, indeed have a room available. He tells me he just had a cancellation. And the price? 95 euros. Okay, well, the room at the Comfort Hotel was 77, so what's an extra 18 euros, really? However, I do ask if there is anything in the area that's a little more affordable. He immediately gets on the internet and looks for a room for me and, can you believe it folks, but the whole damn city of Paris was fully booked for that night! He looks up from his computer and says to me, "God must have sent you here". "Yes," I reply, "I believe he did."

Trust in the greater good in this world is my ally. I give thanks for angels on Earth. Life is a beautiful journey when you know you're well looked after, friends.

Love and Gratitude.





What an openness. How moving.

  Svet Jun 18, 2012 11:55 AM


We both know from our own experiences that when you are on the right path, the path moves smoothly ahead of you. This is just another example. So glad you made it safe and sound (as if there was any doubt). Enjoy your time in Paris... can't wait to have some one-on-one with you when you return! Love you, my dear friend.

  Nicole Jun 19, 2012 1:13 AM


I will ask the universe the same tomorrow in Rome!! :)

  Juan Jun 19, 2012 7:30 AM



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