A great Aussie summer holiday
Every year we disappear to Crescent Head on the mid north coast for a six week camping adventure for a bit of sand,
sun and fun and as usual it didn't disappoint. The locals will kill me for letting the cat out of the bag, but it's brilliant!

Killick Creek, Crescent head.
This place has lily lined creeks that are only 10 minutes drive from Crescent Head
(but you just need to where to launch)…that's secret squirrel stuff!
The Maigical Maria River
This is the view from base camp KCM. It's so hard to take sometimes!

It has a right hand point break that is fantastic and there is also a stack of other beaches that will boggle your mind.
Crescent Head Point
This place is so great that even the surfing Santa's choose this place as a rest stop during their busy world tour!
Surfing Santa's everywhere

Sufing Santa's jumping of the ponit
All that is needed is a bit of adventure and a willingness to get out there to have a look and you will be amazed what
you will discover.
Mysterious Lagoon
There is variety of accomodation available. You can choose to stay at Crescent Head Holiday Park like we do.
Or you can stay at a great secluded retreat like the Wallum Beach House - Eco Surf Retreat & Holiday Accommodation.
Wallum Beach House
The bush kitchen is also part of the Wallum and is open to the public as well. So see ‘Kimbo’ for the best coffee
& all natural ingredient smoothies. Their awesome pies are all homemade with organic beef, & home grown vegetables.
The Bush Kitchen
Crescent Head provides us with the best family holiday. We just like to relax, cruise along and unwind. There is so
much on offer, you can kayak beautiful rivers, surf great point breaks and beaches, you have FWD beach access,
great rock and beach fishing, stunning national parks and headland walks, the list just goes on, it all depends on you.

You can make it as adrenalin packed as you want

I wonder why they call it splash rock?
or you can just sit back and take it in a great sunrise.

But when it's time to go we always say, “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”