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Tales of a Vagabond My summer as a hobo in Europe.

The Journey Begins

SPAIN | Wednesday, 11 June 2008 | Views [872] | Comments [5]

Tail of Bull, an interesting lunch. It tasted like sweet roast beef with lots of fat.

Tail of Bull, an interesting lunch. It tasted like sweet roast beef with lots of fat.

We made it to Spain! After downing some NyQuil so that I could sleep on the plane, we finally arrived in Madrid. What a beautiful city! There are so many old buildings, statues, and well-dressed people. Madrid is the number one city in the world for the number of trees planted.

For my first meal in Spain, I chose local dishes: gazpacho, veal lasagna, and flan. Yum! I feel as if we´ve already walked one-hundred miles. I´m beginning to regret bringing so much stuff. Even after eliminating half of the things I had planned to bring, I think I´m going to dump more along the way.

Today we visited the Prado Museum and saw works by Velazquez and Goya. For lunch we headed to a local restaurant when I orded bull tail. It was interesting to say the least. When my plate arrived, it had some rather large vertebrae with fatty meat on them. I didn´t think it was terrible, but I can´t say that I´d order it again. Nonetheless, so far I´ve enjoyed experiencing a new culture, and I can´t wait to see what else Europe has in store for us.

Tags: madrid, spain




You are a brave girl! At least you tried to bulltail. That's the fun of traveling, trying new things, right? By the way the hair is looking good. 4 more nights of clean sheets. I'll be thinking of you. Make it a real adventure (safely). Love you,

  Sharon Jun 15, 2008 12:29 AM


HHHmmmm.... I think I would eat flan at each meal. Try to find a Spanish recipe for flan.

Phase Two of the trip is close. Post some pics of you on the trains.

Be careful.

  dave Jun 16, 2008 12:44 PM


Hi Katie,

Just checking in to see how things are going. The bulltail doesn't look to appeatizing to me. It has continue to rain and storm since you have left. I can't believe you have been gone since June 9th and it is the 16th.

Tobi started her new job, I think its going well. I took care of Camden on Saturday so your mother could go to KC for a family reunion or something.

I am on vacation this week. I need to mow the lawn. UGHHHH

I hope everything is going well at this writing. Keep up the pics.

Love to you.

Aunt Betty

  Betty Kimberling Jun 17, 2008 3:12 AM


Looks like you are having a wonderful time in your vagabond travels. I am glad that it is you washing clothes in the bathtub and not me. I just got our Grandma Ina’s washboard and cleaned it up to put on display. You could use it about right now with your laundry. Who cares if you have a smelly summer….it will be something to tell your kids and grandkids when you want to impress them with how hard life was back in the early years of the 21st century. I have enjoyed viewing the locations and places that you have seen and visited. Good to hear that you have tried some of the local food. The ox tail meal would have been low on my list but the gazpacho and flan are two of my favorites. Jim would eat gazpacho daily if I would make it for him. Enjoy your remaining days of travel and keep us posted on where you are going next and what you will see. I love you, Aunt Mary Ann.

  Mary Ann Ihler Jun 19, 2008 11:18 AM


Sounds like you are full of bull. What belongings have you found you can live without? Grandma Ina has been to Spain so she is really looking forward to your return so the two of you can share experiences. Some how I don't think her experience was as real as yours. I also would like to see more pictures of you relaxing. What up with the Mom role? You are on vacation! Thanks for keeping everyone informed. It is fun to get to share this experience with you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Things are well here in Missouri. Lots of love. Aunt Joan

  Joan Sweets Jun 20, 2008 6:14 AM

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