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Katie_Louise "The only people for me are the mad ones" - Jack Kerouac

"Hi, me and my friend are trying to get to München"

GERMANY | Monday, 11 May 2009 | Views [502]

So, arrived in Munich (München) about an hour ago with the help of 6 very nice Germans.

Following advice form Lewis (the love child of Caemen) about hitchiking round Germany being easy we decided today that instead of playing €120 for the train we would head to a service station and hitch our way down.

First 5 minutes we were picked up by a very nice old German couple who spoke very little English and agreed to take us third of the way. Its quite easy to do . None of this walking along roads with signs. More chatting to folks at service stations seeing of they are heading in your direction.

After this it was a family (a bearded man child, The dad and the mum who looked like she had been to a garden centre judging by the state of the boot) who drove us another third of the way. Again speaking very little English. But they did have the radio on so we could appreciate the fine German pop music.

After these guys though we got picked up by a very nice man called Steve whose birthday it was today. He was possibly the nicest man ever and dropped us off right outside the hostel cos he was awesome...Even if he did make some rather bizzare comments about Hitler and the Autobhans (which are fantastic by the way...Its basically foot down all the way with no one having to worry bout speed limits unless there is roadworks). So here we are now at a hostel in Munich which plays Reggae constantly (which isnt't a bad thing).
I dont know when we will leave here or what we will actually do here. I assume the next few days and nights will be filled with lots of drinking in Beer halls (umpapa and all), beer gardens, exploring the city and hopefully visiting some castles (cos they look so fairy tale like).

From today we have learnt that hitchiking is free so therefore cheaper than the train...also quicker then the bus and a hell of a lot of fun ! (and safe as we were texting Katherine with reg plates...or at least inteded to do but we really didnt feel a cute old couple would abduct us...but hey, no one thought anything like that about Fritzel)


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