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Katie_Louise "The only people for me are the mad ones" - Jack Kerouac

So long Britain ... Hello Berlin

GERMANY | Saturday, 9 May 2009 | Views [527]

So, I havent had much time at all to get online and write in this thing but this is basically what has been happening -

I left the island to head off to Nottingham to visit family...Which I did. Also to watch Forest play Southampton in their last game of the season.
They won 3-1 ... Valuble lesson I learnt is that you dont want to be stuck infront óf a group of "Special people". Particularly one man called David whose mission was to shout "kick him" (to no one inparticular) for the entire match.
On Monday afternoon after many more hissy fits over repacking my bag (sorry Mum and Dad) I flew to Berlin to meet up with Jenny (aka Schnugglepuff)...
The only thing to do on your first night in Berlin is to go out to a techno club at midnight (even that is considered early) with a group of people from Finland...
This night can only be described as "magical" ... Finish people are rather strange and all on journeys to find them selves!

Tuesday was spent exploring Berlin - Did the free walking tour (in sandles as I forgot my trainers) which was great and like a recap of GCSE history. We had an incredible guide called Lewis who reminds me of the love child of Ceaman. He was incedibly dead pan and told the most amazing stories about revolutions which made me squeel and fall in love with East Berlin.

Probably my favourite thing about Berlin is how exciting and new and cutting edge everything seems...We did this alternative tour and learnt all about the graffiti around the city and the impacts of the wall coming down on the art scene etc. It was a great tour, really interesting and now I have developed an obsession with a German graffiti artist named 6. Everyone here seems to be so political and all the art is about things like suveillance and government monitoring etc...But this guy ´6´ basically walks around with a big can of paint doing 6s on the walls...Then when the can is done he will draw a big smiley face on it and stick it to the wall.
It was a great tour but we learnt a valuble lesson ... Never pretend to be a student to get discount if there is a small chance that the guide will continuaously ask you all about uni.
Thanks to that web of lies my name is Katie, I study Classics at Leeds Uni and live in the Hyde Park area. I have never paid attention to the graffiti there and dont plan on staying there after uni finishes. I am having a last break before final exams...Oh the lies.

On another note that day we met an Argentinian man named Mattais whose job is to study the menopause in female monkeys or as he calls them "grandma monkeys"

After that me and Jenny went exploring round the Kreuzberg and Freidrichstein areas and ended up in this awesome little bar having sheesha and rum cocktails (along with our new favourite beer and lemon drink)

Agghh Internet time is running out so the following basically sums up the week -

Thunder storms in Berlin are scary, especially when your caught outside run screaming accross bridges because the lightning is frighteningly close.

I have been mistkan for a Jamaican (yes me, Vanilla ice) because apparently my accent sound like a kingstonian accent.

German cinemas are awesome because you can drink beer in them - which we learnt last night at a random late night screening with an Austalian man who dressed like a tramp cos all his clothes are covered in Rum.

Berlin zoo is incredible even if all the animals in there seem a little bit special...Think baby elephants that cannot figure out how to eat their food.Picky female pandas that refuse to mate with the male there. Donkeys who dont like me (this makes me sad as I like them...in a none sexual way before anyone thinks anything).Show off brown bears and a lazy polar bear.

The Reichstag has the longest queue ever but is kind of worth it to get up there to see the views.

Must go because we are trying to arrange a way to get to Munich tomorrow morning.

Sorry about spelling mistakes


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